Wednesday 28 October 2020

Um… I’ve let things slip a bit, haven’t I… ;)


Hello! Or perhaps, Tal!

Apologies for the longer than intended radio silence. Taking a ‘brief break’ is, like, my kryptonite. Before I know what’s happened, a couple of months have rolled by! Not the first time, and probably not the last. My work ethic is very weird. So long as I’m writing to a regular pace, I’m incredibly prolific, but once real life throws me out of the rhythm for a week or two, things slip. So sorry about that. 

I will catch up with the recent e-mails some of you sent to check I was still around and reply (thank you for those), and hopefully get things flowing again on the Blog this weekend.

In the meantime, Chloe sent me this picture as her light hearted guess how the current Rachel serial might end. Thought you might find it amusing. :)