Monday 9 September 2024

The Emma of Gor Trilogy: An Introduction

The 'Emma of Gor' trilogy is a series of fan-fiction books set on John Norman's Counter Earth world of Gor. Chronologically speaking, they occur in the following order:

The Shadow in the Dark (Part Fourteen)


Several years ago - Mount Holyoke College:


I'm guided by a signal in the heavens

I'm guided by this birthmark on my skin

I'm guided by the beauty of our weapons

First we take Manhattan,

… then we take Berlin!



Bryony Addison had been true to her word when she said she would find me a boyfriend. And of course it was a Bryony Addison approved boyfriend, which meant there would be no possibility of the senior Sorority Sisters objecting. I would be free to receive him at weekends and walk around the grounds of the sprawling campus, holding hands, like sweethearts do..


Michael Emery had taken me for a walk through some nearby woodland before we then stopped off in town in his sports car for a light lunch at a very fashionable café. He wore a light linen suit, crisp white shirt and expensive Italian shoes. His hair cut was immaculate, in an Ivy League kind of style, and when he paid for our drinks and meal, he produced hundred dollar bills from a designer Gucci wallet, instead of paying by card. I assume it was to show off to the waitress, for whom he left a hundred dollar tip. I wore a floral summer dress that covered my knees and a pair of court shoes with a two inch heel, and a white silk ribbon in my hair. That was new. The New Feminism movement was evolving and Bryony was keen that I at least paid lip service to it. The white ribbon worn in the hair of a female student indicated a pledge of chastity until the time she might be companioned. To not wear a white ribbon suggested you intended to sleep around, that you were available and eager to satisfy men’s needs. That you were a slut. Very quickly the white ribbon became an established part of campus attire, whether the girl in question was a New Feminist or not. 

Thursday 29 August 2024

The Shadow in the Dark (Part Thirteen)


A heavy wooden bridge cannot just disappear without a trace. It’s not possible. Even if men somehow removed it, piece by piece, in the dark, there would still be evidence it had been there. A wooden bridge is heavy. You would see traces of it having sat on foundations on the banks of the river. But as I gazed at the spot where I had walked onto the bridge, I just saw uninterrupted grass, scrub and bushes. Nothing here had been disturbed. If there had ever been a bridge at one time, nature had reclaimed the river bank over a period of many years. 


“Am I going mad?” I said out loud. I walked towards the river edge and gazed into the dark waters of the Miskatonic. There was no evidence of submerged timbers. 


Despite myself, I began to cry.


“It’s October the 6th,” I said to myself. “I was here yesterday. Yesterday was the 5th of October. I didn’t imagine it!”


“Ashlee…” Sheriff Root had carefully descended the steep slope and now stood behind me. I felt his hands touch my shoulders and turn me around. “It’s okay. It’ll be okay.”


“There was a bridge,” I cried. “I saw it! I walked over it!”


“Hush.” He took me in his arms and suddenly I was no longer the tough FBI agent. I let him hold me and I wept against his shoulder. “What is going on? Please tell me?”


I felt him stroke my head and it felt so good. 


“You were in a crash, Ashlee. I shouldn’t have brought you out here. You obviously need more rest. I’m going to drive you back to Rosemary’s house and you’re going to get some sleep. And I’ll send for Doctor Willett. Someone should check you out.”


“I’m not mad,” I cried. “There was a bridge.”

After the Bighorn Chapter Five: ‘Battle is Joined’, by Tracker


(A reminder that the story takes place in 2016 in the early days of New Feminism)


The Frick building, the Marriot Downtown, where my lawyers were to be housed and headquartered, and the Federal Courthouse form a triangle within a block of each other in downtown Pittsburgh.  There is a sort of park between the Marriot and the Courthouse, with a Plaza connecting to the Frick Building.  The Hilton, where VanRijn’s minions lurked, was across the street from the Marriot.


Wyandotte Frick proved competent enough at Administrative chores, though I was still unsure if enough strength lay hidden under his bland exterior. He assigned me Zach Frick, who is a lawyer, though exceedingly young.  He should be able to understand my requirements though.  We first toured the Marriot Downtown.  It was Wyandotte’s idea that my team of lawyers should work and live there while he wanted me to stay at the Frick Mansion where I could be close for consultations.  I was not at all adverse to the idea of staying where there were so many curvy distractions, hot in their collars.  


I wanted to observe the running of a headquarters of an acquisition operation just in case the chance to operate one for myself should occur.  I truly miss Juli, I treasure her so much.  I know she has much to learn; she is eager but needs instruction.  But still, semi-trained as she is, I would not trade her for any of the hot lovelies in the Frick Mansion.  I would like, though, to have that Chelsea Frick at my feet, begging for mercy, begging for love and use in a collar.

Wednesday 28 August 2024

The Paga Diaries (20) by Arizona Wanderer: ‘Banishment’


I really did not want to be around Mirus and Tereus.  I was disgusted with the beating of Lina by Mirus.  Her little laugh when my string broke was harmless.  It probably did look funny to her and I was not offended at all. I have never owned a woman but it seemed to me that Mirus had a very heavy hand when it came to disciplining Lina.  I wanted to take her away and make her my own.  I was hoping that Mirus would change his mind about selling her to me.  I did not feel like spending the afternoon with them but I was thankful for his work on my gemstone appraisal, and everything else that he had done for me.  I did not want to offend him.  


It was very easy to say yes to going to the Dautium Square Market with its luxury taverns and the exceptional variety of beautiful slave girls who worked in them.  We went into the Shackle and Chain again and were looking for a low table close to the sand pit where the slaves dance.  To me the dance was a show, a mesmerizing display of sensuous skill, passion and beauty.  I got distracted by the moves of a short brunette in the pit and didn’t notice a man waving at us to join him at his low table.  


The man was Atticus, the hulk of a man who was an officer of the city guard and whom I had met last time I was here.  The three of us joined him at his table and ordered paga, except for Mirus, who ordered ka-la-na. 


“Tal Atticus, has the Shackle and Chain become a new guard station for our city?” Mirus joked. 


“Tal. I am exploring guard station locations that increase the surveillance opportunities of criminals,” Atticus said. 

Monday 26 August 2024

The Shadow in the Dark (Part Twelve)


“You’re rather quiet this morning,” said Sheriff Root as we drove back to the site of my car crash, two nights ago.


“I don’t know what this is supposed to be – some sick game, perhaps – but you’re obviously part of it,” I said as I gazed straight ahead through the windscreen. I was not going to look at him.


“You’re not making sense, Ashlee.”


“Call me Miss Ellis. We are not friends. And today is the 6th of October, not the 5th.”


Sheriff Root sighed as he held the steering wheel with his left hand. “I showed you the date on my cell phone. You crashed your car on the night of the 4th…”


“Yes, we both agree on that.”


“And today is the morning after; the 5th of October.”


“Do you think I’m stupid? Do you think I’m just going to believe that? You did something to the date on your phone, that’s all. We were in this car yesterday, driving down this road, and you know that. YOU KNOW THAT.”




“Don’t call me that!”


“Miss Ellis, with all due respect, I think you sustained some concussion in the crash. We should get you checked out by a doctor. I met you at the diner last night and called round this morning as promised.”


“What is going on? Just… just tell me?”

Sunday 25 August 2024

The Shadow in the Dark (Part Eleven)




The barking was distant, but audible. 


Probably too distant for them to have picked up my scent or even heard me, assuming they were even guard dogs, that is. I sprang quickly to my feet and considered what I should do. In a film I would have waded through the river, but the Miskatonic was deep and I would be taking an incredible risk to enter the water in the dark. If the strong river current didn’t endanger my life, the freezing cold water would probably give me hypothermia once I emerged downstream. 


With the setting of the sun the trees began to take on an eerie appearance with their branches seeming to take on the aspect of monstrous tendrils reaching up towards the night black sky. I was reminded of films like the Blair Witch Project where the woodland seemed to be a hostile and overbearing force of nature trying its best to lure you to your death. I’m a city girl and I don’t really feel at home amongst nature. Woodland at night is not a place that puts me at ease. 


Were the dogs looking for me? Had I tripped a motion sensor located near the bridge? If so it made sense not to be anywhere near the bridge if that was where the dogs (and their handlers?) were headed. Just who owned this land, and why were they so very hostile to intruders? What had happened to Shelley? Where had she been taken? 


It suddenly occurred to me, for no reason at all, that I hadn’t seen any of Shelley’s discarded clothing on the grass when I had emerged from my hiding place. I hadn’t even given that thought any consideration at the time, but now, hours later, the switches in my brain clicked into place. Had the men bundled up Shelley’s garments and taken them away? I suppose they must have. There was no other explanation. Which meant they didn’t want to leave any evidence behind that the girl had passed through the woodland.


Which meant she wasn’t going to be seen again by anyone.


Which meant I could not let them find me.