Chapter Eight: Chloe and I make our theatrical debut on the stage of Boots Tarsk-Bit
“Oh woe! What is to become of us?” I cried as I placed the back of my right hand dramatically to my forehead in a mock swoon. I stood on a temporary stage constructed this morning from raised planks of wood. I was surrounded by pots of ferns that were meant to imply a Gorean forest, and for the first time in over five years I wore the long flowing gowns and light veils of a Free Woman, as did Chloe who stood in a similar state to myself somewhere to my left. “It has been several frightful hours now since I, the good Lady Candicia of Pseudopolis, and my bitter rival, the Lady Tandice of Anango became lost in this endless forest. Oh woe that we chose to leave our fine caravan this morning while it briefly rested, and strayed too far in order to pick some fruit.”