A series of Fan Fiction novels based on the Gor books by John Norman. Plus other Gor related articles and stories!
Saturday, 30 December 2017
NEW! The Tales of Gor RPG adventure - Rosalita of Telnus (part seven)
“Please sister, will you bring up the food and wine from the courtyard in a bit? I think I'm going to need to refresh myself," you say as you tighten your grip on Michelle's leash once more.
“Yes, Rosalita.” Rosanna glances at Michelle and then back at you with a respectful nod of her head, for social customs dictates that she acknowledges your authority as head of the family. She takes a couple of steps towards the courtyard but dawdles as best she can without being too obvious in doing so, for she is interested in seeing what you intend doing next. Your sister is even more curious than the average kajira, and the average kajira of course is a very curious animal indeed.
Monday, 25 December 2017
Merry Christmas to all our readers!
It's a Monday, so normally there would
be a new chapter of Shadows of Gor waiting for you, but of course
this is no ordinary Monday - it's Christmas Day - and on Christmas
Day even slave-girls deserve some time off. Shadows of Gor is
therefore enjoying a one week 'mid season' break for the festive
period and the serialisation will continue again in a week's time
through to its conclusion.
On behalf of chloeK and myself, we'd
like to thank you for following this blog throughout the year, and to
wish you a very Merry Christmas. I hope you've woken up this morning
to some fabulous presents and you still have a great day ahead of
We'll leave you then with a picture of
Rachel's ideal 'fantasy' Christmas morning: waking up all drowsy and
semi-aroused in her soft bed, finding her wrists secured to the
headboard by Emma.
I'm sure you can imagine what happens
next. :)
- Emma and ChloeK x
Saturday, 23 December 2017
NEW! Glad Tidings of Comfort and Joy part three (of three)
Boston USA - December 24th 2023, early evening
An hour or two later I stood in the shower for several minutes feeling the hot water spray against my skin. I closed my eyes, leaned back my head and enjoyed the moment for what it was – an escape from the pressure and stress of my life these days. I closed my eyes and I ran my hands over my wet body, feeling myself, the way Emma’s experienced hands had felt me in the Northern forest all those years ago after Brinn had whipped us both and we had lain together and made love that one time. I remembered how good she felt, and how intense my orgasm had been when she had put her mouth to my vagina, licking and kissing and driving me to heights of guilty bliss. She was a trained pleasure slave after all. An amazing pleasure slave. You have no idea what she can do to you in bed. I had never felt anything like it before. I felt the brand on my left hip – a permanent reminder of my last days on Gor – a mark that I would wear on my body for the rest of my life.
NEW! Glad Tidings of Comfort and Joy part two (of three)
NEW! Glad Tidings of Comfort and Joy part one (of three)
A 36,000 word novella set on Christmas Eve in 2023. Six years ago Rachel Evans woke up in a field on Earth, naked and alone after the events depicted in 'Panther Girl of Gor'. This is her story.
“Eyes right because I think we have a pair of militant dykes causing trouble tonight,” said Adam Coulter as he clipped the end of his cigar before lighting it. That was another thing that had changed recently – no more smoking bans in public spaces. Who would have thought it? Mind you, the smoking ban had been just one of a number of surprising developments I hadn’t expected when I found myself waking up on the grass in a meadow in the New Forest six years ago. So much had changed in western society since I’d been at university in the mid seventies.
“They’re in for a shock if they think anyone’s going to put up with their arrogant behaviour tonight,” said Robert Winston. Both men wore well tailored dark suits with colourful silk ties and they looked like men who scented change in the wind and approved of it 100%.
Boston USA - December 24th 2023, lunch time
“Eyes right because I think we have a pair of militant dykes causing trouble tonight,” said Adam Coulter as he clipped the end of his cigar before lighting it. That was another thing that had changed recently – no more smoking bans in public spaces. Who would have thought it? Mind you, the smoking ban had been just one of a number of surprising developments I hadn’t expected when I found myself waking up on the grass in a meadow in the New Forest six years ago. So much had changed in western society since I’d been at university in the mid seventies.
“They’re in for a shock if they think anyone’s going to put up with their arrogant behaviour tonight,” said Robert Winston. Both men wore well tailored dark suits with colourful silk ties and they looked like men who scented change in the wind and approved of it 100%.
Monday, 18 December 2017
Shadows of Gor Chapter Eleven (of Eighteen)
Chapter Eleven: The Chamber of Submission
“Behold, the so-called dominant male of Gor, on his knees, in a woman's chains, at your mercy, as it should be and as it will be in the New World that we craft from the old.”
The Silver Masked Domina's voice echoed in the great hall as she pointed to the centre of an elaborately ornate circle inscribed with occult glyphs and symbols. There were two heavy iron rings fixed into the cemented flagstones from which two heavy iron chains extended to the neck collars worn by two strong looking men. Both men were naked, and the length of the chains was such that they could not stand, or even rise much above a kneeling position. Their wrists were confined in close chains, maybe two inches apart, and these manacles were in turn secured to the neck chains. Their ankles were unsecured, but since they were unable to rise much from a kneeling position, that was of no threat to anyone.
The Tales of Gor RPG adventure - Rosalita of Telnus (part six)
You smile to yourself beneath your
veils. The Earth girl is so out of her depth, and yet she doesn't
realise it yet. She thinks that you are equals. She has no idea. And
she is nervous from her encounter with Isabel's men. She has seen the
way they looked at her.
"I'll tell you how the men looked
at you,” you say, ignoring for the moment her last question. “They
looked at you and they wondered what you would be like in the furs,
didn't they? They wondered what pleasures you'd bring them?"
Sunday, 17 December 2017
The Tales of Gor RPG adventure - Rosalita of Telnus (part five)
She's been branded. Actually branded. 'Is she insane', was your instant thought and reaction on seeing the kef sigil on Michelle's left thigh. Is she really so naive that she doesn't know what it means? But of course she's right in a sense that she cannot play the role of a slave with out it. The kef brand will be expected if she is to be ultimately convincing. And yet, even so, the brand will remain on her long after her mission for the Kurii ends.
You regard the girl on her knees now
before you – quite the change from the woman in the sumptuous gown
who reclined on your outdoor couch as if she owned the house. Then
all her words come together in your mind and you realise she is
actually naïve and she has no comprehension of what her role
Saturday, 16 December 2017
The Tales of Gor RPG adventure - Rosalita of Telnus (part four)
It takes you a moment or two to fully digest the scene in front of you. This Earth girl has come into your home to play the part of a slave, and she has dared to help herself to your clothes, your wine and your food without your permission. Furthermore she has established herself in front of your sister as a supposed Free Woman.
You are obviously not happy about any of this.
The Tales of Gor RPG adventure - Rosalita of Telnus (part three)
It's a lot to take in, but on the surface it sounds like you have been awarded a promotion of sorts. Certainly Isabel and through her, her Kur Masters, is implying you are now a handler of another, junior agent. But an Earth girl? No doubt she will be totally untrained and unsuitable to be a Lady's house slave, despite the expectation that she will play such a role. Does Isabel expect you to have to train her? As a woman of High Caste you have a moderate skill in handling slaves ((1)) – you understand the basics at least of training them, forcing compliance, and bringing a new slave to understand their altered state of being, but it is not something you expected to have to do for the Kurii.
Friday, 15 December 2017
The Tales of Gor RPG adventure - Rosalita of Telnus (part two)
You smile softly as you watch your
sister lean against one of the crenellated ledges of the wall
overlooking the harbour below. Dante is fifteen years her senior, but
with his age stabilised at twenty four the age difference doesn't
look so obvious to your mind. Nevertheless he will be experienced
with women by now. You frown, thinking of how he will no doubt be the
typical kind of man who sates his desires with the slave-girls owned
by his family. That is what men do after all. He has never Free
Companioned to your knowledge, maybe because his work for his family
takes him so far afield across the waters of the Thassa on a regular
basis. But most men do Free Companion at some point, if only to
establish a dynasty and to arrange political and social matters to
their convenience. Love can come into it, but not necessarily. There
would be an expectation for Rosanna to bring with her to the Free
Companionship ceremony some advantage in social, political, financial
or military terms. Dante's family was powerful and wealthy within
Telnus, and no doubt many High Caste women would look favourably on
an alliance with his house through the noble and lofty ceremony of
Free Companionship. It would certainly be good for the Sanchez family
Thursday, 14 December 2017
The Tales of Gor RPG adventure - Rosalita of Telnus (part one)
“Rosalita! Come quickly! The round
ships are coming back! You must see!”
Your concentration this morning was
disturbed by the sound of your excitable 19 year old sister
breathlessly running across the marbled floor of your study as you
gazed thoughtfully at the common copper tarsk coin in your hand. It
had been delivered to your house in Telnus this morning and handed to
you silently without any explanation, for it needed none. It was the
cryptic method of communication between you and the Kur agent in
Telnus, the beautiful Lady Isabel Clara Saffini. As you turned the
coin over in your hands, your fingers found the tell tale indentation
on the rim of the coin. If you considered the coin to be a clock face
as you looked at the engraving of noble Lurius of Jad (looking rather
slimmer than he actually is, you couldn't help but notice – there
was no sign of his jowls underneath his fat chin for example), then
the position of the notch would indicate a time – the tenth ahn of
the day, corresponding to noon. This would then be the time that a
palanquin would arrive to quietly convey you to whichever rendezvous
spot the Lady Isabel had chosen in order to speak with you. No doubt
she had news or perhaps work for you to do.
NEW! Tales of Gor RPG: Lady Rosalita and the city of Telnus
Background for the Tales of Gor RPG
adventure that will be commencing on this blog very soon now.
The Lady Rosalita lives in Telnus on
the coast of the island of Cos which like all Gorean cities is a
bustling, thriving and colourful place in which to have adventures. I
like to flesh out settings and so this is a short list describing
some of the locations that the gentle Lady Rosalita will be familiar
with at the start of the interactive Tales of Gor role-playing game.
Any of these places can be visited and more locations will be created
as the story unfolds.
Wednesday, 13 December 2017
NEW! A Tales of Gor interactive RPG adventure!
So, this is going to be a little
different from my usually heavily planned out in advance and scripted
stories. Astute readers of this blog will be aware that a rather
fabulous official Gor role-playing game was released earlier this
year, entitled 'Tales of Gor'. Like all role-playing games it can
either be played tabletop face to face with friends (around, um, a
table...), or, as is becoming quite popular these days, via the
Internet. A couple of weeks ago chloeK (the talented artist who does
all the Emma of Gor pictures) and I were messing about with some back
and forth writing improvisation just for fun and I suggested, since
she seemed to be enjoying it, that we could try something more formal
as an RPG adventure on this blog site.
So that's what we're going to do.
chloeK has created a Gorean character using the rules in the Tales of
Gor book and I'll be running an adventure story on a very regular
basis (several times a week is the idea) for her to react and respond
to. It will read a bit like a story that is serialised in bite size
chunks, albeit written in the second person, and crucially I'm not
fully in control of where the story goes.
Monday, 11 December 2017
Shadows of Gor Chapter Ten (of Eighteen)
Chapter Ten: 'Fidelio'
“Stop pulling at the skirt of your garment,” I whispered as Marissa and I walked quickly along the side of a deep canal, being careful that we kept to the shadows. “She-urts don’t do that.”
I shouldn't have spoken to her like that of course, but looking at the Lady Marissa now it was so easy to forget that she was a Free Woman and not just another slave girl like me. Her legs were bare after all; her arms were bare; she wore a skimpy rag of a tunic, tight fitting, brief, figure hugging, with a slashed neck line, and her face was bare. I was of course used to speaking in a certain way to women who looked like that, and it was the manner in which a First Girl speaks to a Kajira of a lesser rank. But she wasn't really a Kajira – she was a Free Woman who was playing the part of a she-urt of the canals of Port Kar.
Wednesday, 6 December 2017
An Introduction to Gor trailer! (Gor in under 3 minutes...)
Okay, so it's actually a trailer for
the (really good) Gor RPG and source book which I reviewed many
months back, but it suddenly occurred to me that as a trailer for Gor
in general it's not a bad way to introduce someone who just stumbled
across my blog by accident to the basic Gorean mythos that I use in
my stories.
I'd be hard pushed to summarise Gor in
under three minutes quite so well, so I'm going to let James
Desborough do it for me.
Go take a look!
Sadly no dancing girls this time
around, but don't let that put you off...
- Emma x
Designing the Gor RPG (video link)
Okay, so I actually meant to post this
link ages ago but seem to have forgotten! That's me having a blonde
moment I guess. It's a 25 minute video in which James Desborough (the
designer and publisher of the Gor RPG) talks about the long journey
from initially obtaining the licence from John Norman for a Gor game
to finally publishing the finished product this year. James is a very
good raconteur on youtube and his thoughts and observations always
make for fun listening. This then is him musing on Gor and its
potential for tabletop and internet gaming. Hope you find it as
interesting as I did.
Oh, and it has a slinky dancing girl in the early bit! See... I knew you'd be interested if I said there was a dancing girl... ;)
Oh, and it has a slinky dancing girl in the early bit! See... I knew you'd be interested if I said there was a dancing girl... ;)
- Emma x
Monday, 4 December 2017
Shadows of Gor Chapter Nine (of Eighteen)
Chapter Nine: In the Court of the Crimson King
Let me make one thing clear. When he's not busy practising a cold, emotionless scowl in a wall length mirror, Samos, First Slaver of Port Kar, and senior agent of the Priest Kings, really loves playing Kaissa...
I mean, really, really loves playing Kaissa...
It apparently wasn't always the case. But over the last 20 years or so Samos has developed a taste for the mathematical board game that resembles Earth chess.
Sunday, 3 December 2017
Spend Christmas this year with Rachel Evans...
If you've been wondering what Rachel
has been doing on Earth since she was returned there at the end of
Panther Girl of Gor, you'll get to find out in a Rachel Evans
Christmas one-off story set on Christmas Eve 2023 to be posted later
this month.
Provisionally entitled 'Glad Tidings of
Comfort and Joy,' Rachel comes face to face with the growing menace
of the Kurii as they begin to take control behind the scenes on an unsuspecting Earth,
while the Priest Kings concentrate their weakened resources to
protect Gor.
Concept art of Rachel in 2023 by
She has a gun now and she's learnt how
to use it... ;)
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How on Earth have I never come across this website before? Hidden away on the Internet is an illustrated version of (part of) Kajira o...
The 'Emma of Gor' trilog y is a series of fan-fiction books set on John Norman's Counter Earth world of Gor. Chronologically sp...
Greetings, kind masters, gentle mistresses, and fellow slaves. It’s Chloe here with one of my occasional training sessions. A while b...
Tal kind masters and mistresses, it's Chloe here, first girl on the estate of Brinn of the Sardar. I'm pu...
As the headline says, I'm back, and catching up with all sorts of internet stuff on my creaking and antiquated computer before I have ...
One of the main inspirations for writing a Panther Girl novel (I don't really count 'Panther Girl of Gor' as that was only...
Several years ago - Mount Holyoke College: I'm guided by a signal in the heavens I'm guided by this birthmark on my skin I'm...
I tend to keep notebooks full of things that I may or may not develop, but one of the things that is taking shape and you may see som...
So, this is just a heads up that your favourite authoress is going to be away for a long weekend city break in sexy Europe which means...
It’s that time of year again! I just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. My best laid plans were to complete Outcast of Gor i...