Seven: The Kamba river
The Larl of the Thassa sailed slowly
down the Kamba river with its depleted crew. We had lost twenty seven
Askaris that bloody night in the settlement whose name I still didn’t
know and probably never would. It was a place of ruins now, bleak
fire charred foundations overlooking a harbour blocked with sunken
fishing boats. In the end Yishana had relented on her orders to kill
every man woman and child who did not have time to flee. The men were
killed wholesale, but the women and children were spared when her
rage had simmered to a low boil. I played some part in that for I
begged her to spare the women and children. I knew the men were
beyond my help and so I couched my appeal simply in terms of what she
might agree to. And why did she agree? I think she understood that it
was my early warning that had saved us. That night could easily have
played out a very different way with Yishana and her men trapped in
the tavern as bales of straw set it alight.