Thursday 24 December 2020

Merry Christmas to you all!


It’s Christmas Eve! 


Or rather it will be when it’s um, the evening. I never really think of Christmas Eve being Christmas Eve until it gets dark, and right now, as I type these words, the sun is shining brightly in the south of England – a perfect winter’s day.


This year has been a weird and perhaps unsettling one for us all, but I hope everyone gets a chance to hunker down and enjoy the Christmas period (or ‘Holidays’ as I believe the lovely Americans refer to it) in some respect, even if normal family events are curtailed. 


I just wanted to wish you all the regular Merry Christmas, and thank you once again for your support in 2020. I know I’ve slipped off the writing wagon during the tail end of 2020, but nothing serious has happened – just a variety of constant interruptions that threw off my concentration, and I’m one of those writers for whom a break in working patterns is disruptive.


BUT I intend taking some time over the Christmas to New Year period to knuckle down and start pounding the keys on my computer. With the restrictions in place in the UK, and being off work now for a week or so, I have some time to finally concentrate on writing properly. And let's face it, you all know that when I get back to writing, I am VERY prolific. :) 


My aim is to start proper work on Gods of Gor with the intention of serialising that in a more irregular fashion than previous books. I’d rather not wait until I have the whole thing written, so I’ll start sending chapters to Chloe and begin publishing them as they’re completed. This will mean they won’t be uploaded like clockwork on. The same day each week, but it does mean you’ll start seeing that book sooner rather than later.


The Rachel novel I’ll be continuing to write in and around Gods of Gor, in much the same way that I originally intended Kiera of Gor to appear in an irregular sequence in and around one of the Emma books. 


That’s the plan anyway. 


I hope you all have a great time over the next few days and get the chance to relax and unwind from the stress that 2020 has provided. 2021 is bound to be better, eternal optimist that I am. :)

Now, I think I have some bottles of champagne somewhere...


Emma x


  1. Tal Emma,

    Many thanks for the update, and all the stories both you and Chloe have produced during the year.

    Do not forget that you also have the Chloe series to finish off, or I am sure that our First Girl will have something to say about that.

    Anyway, Happy Christmas to you, Brinn and your children, Chloe and Geralt and all readers.

    The Kind and Gentle Lady Donna of Dover

  2. All the best everyone.

    Merry Christmas to all

    Nadolig Llawen i pawb

  3. Tal Emma,

    It's good to hear from you again. I wish a Merry Christmas to all and a healthy and prosperous 2021.

  4. is pleasant to hear that your writing will resume. However the picture above shows you are not being kept under proper discipline! Sat on a chair! At the table and apparently making free of wine from a glass! And frankly that dress gives the impression of being far too long. Present yourself on your knees and beg permission to speak next time.

  5. This is your annual reminder that you should probably update the date on the intro post for another year in the future, so it stays at the top of your blog post.
    Okay, if I'm being serious, I'm definitely a fan of your writing, but ... I think your most recent stories have suffered from two - not flaws, but stylistic choices? - that have kind of made me less following them as closely? The first is that the TG elements have completely fallen out of a lot of them, that are what first brought me here. The second is how it's still an ongoing narrative, and I missed some at some point, and the sheer weight of characters and backstory and history I need to know to keep up - especially when minor characters who haven't been around for fifty chapters reappear with minimal reintroduction! - means that I just gave up at a certain point and stopped trying to stay current. I also - some of your stories are a lot "nicer" and some are a lot "crueler" towards their protagonists, and, well, it's about sex slavery so there's always SOME degree of cruelty, but I definitely prefer the ones with happier endings and escapes ... which also seem to have dwindled off and things have gotten more extreme as your writing's gone on.
    I mean, I still check your blog at least once a week for updates, so clearly these aren't enough to keep me away! But I'm definitely hoping for a reversion to the themes and style and overall vibe that brought me here in the first place.

    1. Blogger has rather annoyingly taken away the ability to post date a post, which as how I used to keep the lead post at the top of the screen these last few years. I now have to adjust the date stamp manually each time I make a new story post. A small thing, but a nuisance.

      The TG elements will play a bigger part in ‘Gods of Gor’ as Emma is on her way to confront her sister, Bea, who of course has no comprehension that her brother is now a blonde slave girl. Emma has, for some time now, more or less expunged the memories of her life on Earth in favour of her new preferred reality, but that won’t be possible when she finds her sister. How she copes with it, and how Bea relates to the shocking news, forms part of the novel.

      You’re right that my books combine both a whimsical sense of humour and then often slaps you in the face with scenes of horror and brutality. This is, I fear, deliberate, and a concession to me leaning towards the reality of what slavery would be like on Gor. It’s not necessarily the ‘cuddle bunny’ great sex that Mr Norman presents it as. Life would be horrible at times, and I try to reflect that.

      Re: the characters – oh my God, yes, even I can’t remember who all of them are! Lady Donna has put together a fantastic guide to them all on this site, but I’ve suddenly realised it’s hard to locate that post. I’ll post a link to the page below, and then put a similar link in the header post that details all the stories in chronological order. The who’s who should be a main reference point for new (and existing) readers but I’ve failed to promote it enough.

    2. The Who's Who reference page can be found here:

  6. Tal,

    On your point about minor characters I have listed and sent to Emma a character anthology which will help in remembering who the various characters are. It was intended to help Emma not repeat a name for a new character. Likewise, I have also listed all of Chloe's drawings with references to the character and chapter of each book that she publishes them. It is up to Emma when she publishes them.

    As for the TV element Emma has been around for so long on Gor now that I think she has almost forgotten that she was a TV, and anyway does not really want it known.

    What I do like about Emma's writing is how she manages to write a story for someone else's point of view and do it convincingly. The Chloe POV stories are really good at that.

    The Kind and Gentle Lady Donna of Dover

  7. I really like the Chloe story but we get more Gerallt input so I like that element too.

    I do wonder whether Chloe draws herself much sexier than her artwork on Emma sometimes.

    Maybe it is my personal tastes....Buttercup is Auburn/dyed
    blonde so I suppose it is a change for be.

    Actually Buttercup says she is surprised I picked her in the end as at uni she recalls I went for brunettes with large chests....

    Blywddyn Newyddd dda i pawb

    Happy New Year to All

    Dafydd o Abertawe

    PS Stay save guys. Covid is burning through the South Wales valleys and towns. Over 50% hospitals veds in Cwm Taff Health Board were for Covid last week....
