Thursday 11 August 2022

State of the Union address


Hello, lovely readers, or should I say Tal?


I thought I’d talk a little bit about what I have planned, going forward, in terms of writing. 


Steel World Inc only has three more chapters, with chapter 28 being the final one, so that’s nearly done and dusted.


Chloe is obviously working on the Secrets of Gor book, chapter by chapter, and we’re getting close to the halfway point there, so that will run for quite some time yet. Following Secrets of Gor I intend to turn my attention finally to the long delayed ‘Gods of Gor’ – the sixth book narrated pov by Emma. 




It was never meant to be delayed so long, but the way I work is like this. The Emma pov books tend to be plotted out in intricate detail ahead of time, from beginning to middle to end, and in the past (Shadows and Ubara in particular) I wrote ALL the chapters (in at least a rough incomplete draft for each one) before I began posting any of them. Since then I’ve developed a separate writing style where I have a beginning, middle and end in mind for a story, but then I write it ‘on the fly’ sometimes on a daily basis with 3,000 word chapters. This works well in a ‘pulp’ style and it’s probably the way I’m going to write mostly in the future for the sake of speed and productivity. 


But what happens is, I’m all set to do some work on Gods of Gor, which is already plotted in detail, when I suddenly get inspiration for another story burning in my head, and I know that if I ignore those ideas in the short term they will dry up and fade away. Sometimes you have to follow the voices in your head when they appear and just get those words down on paper, or you’ll lose it all. And that’s why there have been so many distractions of late in terms of what I write. 


But I really want to get cracking properly on Gods of Gor, so that will be the book to follow Secrets. 


The other thing I’ve been doing of course is pairing a Chloe illustrated story with a simultaneously serialised book that Chloe doesn’t illustrate. This gets round the fact that I can write much faster than an artist can produce illustrations. So, while we’re continuing to serialise Secrets, and then Gods, I’ll write something else on the side to keep you entertained.


What that next book will probably be is a subject I’ve been asked to do for many years now: a book narrated by a kajirus. It’s a point of view that I haven’t touched on until now, so the next parallel book will probably be entitled ‘Kajirus of Gor’ and it will be the second book in the Corcyrus/Argentum war plot I started in Slaver of Gor (Legions of Gor will then be the third instalment).


The central character, as I’m working him out on paper at the moment, is Roland Martell, an Englishman who is abducted and taken to Gor to be a Gorean Lady’s silk slave. Where Roland will differ from the likes of Jason Marshall and Simon Rogers is that Roland will be, from the outset, a dominant, confident, Earthman, making his abduction and bondage to a Gorean Free Woman, chained to the stirrup of her riding tharlarion, all the more galling for him. On Earth he works as a bodyguard of sorts in an America that is under the sway of the New Feminism movement supported by the Kur factions. I say ‘of sorts’ as he exclusively bodyguards rich single women who pay him to act as a formal escort (without sexual favours, though if Roland takes a liking to the woman he’s often of a mind to initiate such things), as in the New Feminism America it is growing increasingly uncomfortable and awkward for a single woman to venture out on her own without male company. Roland’s (paid) presence offers both security and respectability as he accompanies a Lady to social events. 


As the years pass by on Earth, the influence of the Steel Worlds grows in the United States in particular, supported by the radical movement that slowly and surely rolls back the rights of women in the name of ‘New Feminism’. With the backing of the powerful American Families, all loyal to the Kurii, and in the absence of any counter intervention by the Priest Kings who continue to deploy their diminished resources purely to protect Gor from the alien predators, the Steel Worlds now enjoy considerable influence over government, law and the military on Earth, which is becoming their ‘beachhead’.


It is an uncomfortable experience now, for example, for single women to enters bars without an escort, and in some US states a woman driving long distances on her own might be routinely stopped by a concerned police officer who might suggest she checks in with a male relative before proceeding further.


He may even detain her if she proves uncooperative. For her own safety, of course. 


I’ve been slowly building this long term storyline in my Earth books for a while now. By the time of Kajirus of Gor, the situation in the US looks something like this:


Years on from the Supreme Court ruling against Roe vs Wade (this year in the real world), not only is abortion now illegal across America (with return of a Republican president), but women now have limited access to contraception. The argument goes that a single woman of respectable morality does not require contraception, as obviously she wouldn’t be having sex if she’s not in a formal relationship, and for those who are in a relationship, a doctor will require her to produce signed authority from her male partner before contraceptive pills will be issued. After all, the man may be in the relationship with the medium-term desire to raise a family, and if a woman secretly used contraception to thwart that behind his back, it would be a form of deceit that the courts would frown upon.


With contraception no longer easy to obtain, many women fear the risk associated with casual sex, and this in turn further enforces a New Feminism mantra of celibacy outside of a formal companionship. And so it follows that if a woman fears the possibility of male attention that might lead to a slip in her deeply regulated behaviour, she must dress modestly, un-provocatively, for a single mother is now frowned upon in polite society.


New Feminism has swept away the rights of a woman to automatically return to work after bearing a child. A company no longer has to offer her a job, and so many companies do not, fearing the stigma of being seen to employ single mothers who should instead be raising their child. And if a single mother cannot find work, and she has no financial support from her family, she is ultimately forced to fall back on  State support which now takes the form of strict ‘havens’ – fearsome looking houses with high walls and locked gates around the grounds, in which single mothers who are unable to support themselves are sent to live, practically imprisoned, enduring corrective behaviour lessons in addition to exclusively raising their child under the watchful eyes of the ‘Sisters of the Haven’.


No wonder so many women now fear casual sexual encounters and seek to conform to the strict dictates of New Feminism in the way they behave and dress. 


But if you are a rich woman of independent means, there still remains greater freedom. Men such as Roland Martell can be employed as ‘bodyguards’ - in reality respectable public escorts who permit such a woman to move through society and enjoy old fashioned freedoms without too much complaint.


So long as you have a man on your arm, you will be accepted.


So that’s kind of who Roland is at the outset of the story, when he comes to the attention of a woman who thinks he will do very well on Gor as a trained silk slave. 


Kajirus of Gor, starting soon after Steel World Inc finishes. 


  1. So... the captured kajirus in the new story is English...well no shock there then isn't it...we dont do serving women in the macho-run valley in South Wales where I am from.

    Let me tell you something for nothing....lovely boy!!!!

    That is not 'appening any time soon round 'ere.


    1. Of course, Master. We all know that a Welsh man would prefer to toil away in the Salt Mines of Klima, rather than be a pampered Lady's slave. ;)

  2. Thanks as ever for the update annywl Emma.

    Diolch yn fawr i chi gyd

    xxxx Dafydd

  3. Here we go again with British ignorance and arrogance. (Too much BBC, I guess.) Roe v Wade did not ban abortion in the United States. It merely held, as did the vast majority of legal scholars 50 years ago, that there is no constitutional right to abortion in the federal constitution. This is a matter to be decided by the states. Kansas, as conservative a state as there is, just held a referendum last month that voted to reject a constitutional amendment that would take away the right to an abortion in the state.
    It seems Emma has been carried away by that idiotic Handmaid's Tale novel/series by the extreme leftist Canadian Margaret Atwood.

    1. My books are set in the near future (by now) - circa 2026, if you follow the way the timeline is going. And they are clearly Dystopian fiction, with the emphasis both on dystopian and fiction. They’re not meant to be a reflection of the real world. I’m obviously portraying a world where the alien Steel Worlds are influencing American society (with a movement – New Feminism – that doesn’t actually exist at all in America) and what I do to try and tie it into the real world is, where possible, I adopt something that has actually happened in the news (The Supreme Court ruling on Roe vs Wade – and yes, I know that isn’t actually a ban on abortion) and then I twist it a bit and extrapolate that it’s part of the machinations of the Steel Worlds and then I project forward that the Kurii are doing all this and where it would lead to if they were behind it (a ban on abortion in order to advance a Gorean mindset amongst women). It isn’t meant to be seen as ‘real’. It quite clearly is preposterous, even within the remits of ‘speculative fiction’. This is a series of stories based around the concept that the Priest Kings can no longer protect both Earth and Gor, and they therefore choose to just protect Gor, leaving Earth to become a beachhead for the eventual Kurii invasion of Gor. This will ultimately culminate in the final Emma book: ‘Exiles of Gor’ when the Kurii and the Priest Kings finally wage their doomsday war with the Kurii by then controlling much of western civilization Earth and the Priest Kings controlling Gor, and the Kurii developing a ‘sun bomb’ that can essentially burn up a planet’s atmosphere if they begin to lose.

      The Kurii don’t like to lose.

      This all leads into the final book in which Brinn is sent to Earth with a suicide kill team of elite Gorean warriors (and Emma and her (grown up ) daughter, Jacinta, (now a Priest King agent, against Emma’s wishes)) there to acclimatise the Goreans on a planet they wouldn’t otherwise understand how to navigate, in order to neutralise the Sun Bomb before it can be used.

      The Handmaid’s Tale is indeed an influence on the Earth stories, mostly because, as the author has rightly pointed out, every aspect of Gilead had actually existed somewhere on Earth at the point of her writing it. It’s classic Dystopian fiction and dovetails well with the Gorean mythos.

    2. If it makes you feel any better, Master, I’m pretty sure that ‘extreme leftist Canadian’ writer, Margaret Atwood, would be horrified and annoyed to discover that her critically acclaimed work has been co-opted by a prolific hack fanfic writer of no obvious literary merit, to further enhance a series of pastiche Gor books. She really wouldn’t be happy...

    3. Hah - she probably is a secret reader.

    4. I can but hope, Master. :)

  4. The new series sounds interesting Emma.
    Tracker is working on a new tale, tentatively called: On the Banks of Big Horn. It will be set near the Frick ranch, which is surrounded by other "Traditionalist" ranches all looking to the Fricks for leadership or Ubar as they pronounce Boss up there.

    1. On the Banks of the Bighorn
      Tracker, a teller of tales writes:
      Wilson Frick, nephew of Willard Frick and resident Frick on the Lazy F Ranch was meeting with Randy Schlesinger, an assistant Foreman in early May.
      “Looks like the spring round-up and branding is going to be a little late due to the drought. But if we get that big rain that is forecast it will put things a little later due to scattering of the herds, and some stock breaking loose because of the floods and high winds. More work for us, but the rain will be welcome.”
      “Yes, Mr Frick, but in ranching it is always something.”
      The two men were speaking in the main room of the Ranch House. Everything was in keeping with the location, a movie set decorator would have no complaints, except in the case of this room, everything was authentic, and most was old. The beams of Ponderosa Pine were old growth, cut almost a 150 years ago, and smoked black with the fires of 150 years, from the two great riverstone fire places set at either end of the room.

    2. Tracker Continues:
      Randy Schlesinger continued, “ I could use another man or two or fill out the crews.”
      Wilson Frick replied, “As a matter of fact, I hired a man yesterday, calls himself Smith.” Frick made a face at the obvious alias, many of the men they hired did not use their original names, but most were more subtle about it. “I want you to keep an eye on him, things in this country are moving our way more and more, towards our Traditional Ways, but not everyone in Govt is on board. So I want you to keep an eye on this one.”
      Randy Schlesinger replied, “I wish we didn’t have to hire from outside the Traditional Families of this valley, men who are loyal to the Stone.” He meant the great stone with curious carvings on it that formed the Cornerstone of the Ranch House, it was referred to as the Cornerstone or just the Stone. It bound together in one allegiance, not just the Fricks and their people, but all the Traditional People of the area. Before their ranch or their family, all of them were loyal to the Stone.

    3. Wilson Frick continued, “My cousin, Wyandotte Frick came in from Pittsburgh and we went up to the Exchange Point for the Spring Trade with Wyld Wymen. We may have some trouble with them sooner than we expected. The younger Wymen seem restless and impatient of the agreements we have, and some bands seem to have split. We may have trouble with them before we planned. Keep an eye out during the roundup. They are only a nuisance right now, but we shall have to root out those abominations from their mountain canyons anyway, some time. Keep an eye out for trouble, Randy”
      Randy Schlesinger nodded. He knew that without being told

    4. Ooh. Do you want me to host the stories?

    5. I will send you the next parts when they are done - guess who the Wyld Wymen are based on?

  5. Сергей12/08/2022, 07:54

    Добрый день друзья!) Очень рад что снова заработал блог!) И Эмму посетило новое вдохновение) С интересом почитаю новую книгу "Каджирус Гора", особенно будет интересно узнать более детально способы воспитания и обучения шёлковых рабов мужчин на Горе

    1. С возвращением, Мастер. А если вы посмотрите на главную страницу, то увидите первую главу новой книги «Каджирус Гора».

    2. Спасибо большое) уже почитал и заинтригован ...)

  6. Anonymous and quiet reader here - love your work and thanks for all your stories!

    I hope that you will make another slave world story with a kajira in the future (and notably the kajira app)

    1. I'm sure I'll use the kajira app again in a future Earth story, Master. :)

  7. Thanks for all the great Stories! So you still intend to write Silber Masks of Gor?
