Friday 22 November 2019

Character concept art for 'Beware the Savage Jaw'

Chloe has been beavering away with various bits of concept art recently, along with some training scenes that I need to put together properly in a post.

Here are a couple of character concept designs for two of the female characters appearing in the upcoming Rachel Evans novel, 'Beware the Savage Jaw'.

They are the two 'silk girls' belonging to senior Kur conspirator, Jackson Montague. Samantha is his white silk girl, and Marcia is his red silk girl. 

You can probably tell which is which. 

Silk girls are awarded on Earth in matched pairs to senior members of the Kur conspiracy as part of the changes occurring on that planet now that the Steel Worlds are tightening their grip on the existing power structure in America and further afield. See the previous Rachel novella, Glad Tidings of Comfort and Joy for details of how Earth society has been gradually changing since Emma was kidnapped from England and abducted to Gor. While Britain remains largely the same (so far...) America is going a bit 'Handmaids Tale' as the Priest Kings so far decline to counter the Kur forces beyond Gor itself.

- Emma x


  1. Tal Chloe,

    These two should really look outstanding when placed in some of the interior sets we have already seen. You have us hoping Samantha doesn't remain white silk so we might have a better look at her ;)

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  3. I should add that this is still very much pre production. I'm still sorting out cast, settings and costuming. While I'll use stock items where I can, sadly, I have to make a lot of the costuming. Having said that, I do have cast and costumes for most of the female leads, as well as a lot of interior sets, so it's not all bad :)
