Thursday 21 November 2019

Coming soon: First Among Girls

In the 'coming up soon' category, here's the cover art for a short story that Chloe is currently illustrating which will be released once the art is ready.

The point of view star of it is none other than Chloe herself who at long last gets her own tale without Emma taking over and bossing everyone about. :)

First Among Girls is set a few months after the end of Shadows of Gor and depicts the fallout from the Brinn/Simon confrontation when Brinn and Chloe return home to the Sardar estate without the blonde barbarian in tow.

To her astonishment, Chloe finds herself elevated to the position of first girl – a position that she has no experience for, and a promotion that doesn't go down too well with the acting first girl on the estate, Candice, who has to step down on Brinn's orders.

Just how does a kajira take over the first whip of one of the largest coffles of privately owned slaves in central Gor? Will Chloe sink or swim with this precarious responsibility?

Coming soon. :)


  1. Tal Emma,

    We are confident that Chloe will pull it off.

    The Kind and Gentle Lady Donna of Dover

  2. David of Abertawe21/11/2019, 21:50

    Looking forward to this. Buttercup my auburn First Girl always says I prefer brunettes.

    Here's looking at you Chloe

  3. Tal All,

    First Girls like Chloek can never die.

    They are as real to me in memory as they were in flesh.

    How voluptous was mycFirst Girl then?

    Ok.. sorry for a bad rewrite of a John Ford film ending from 1941......
