Wednesday 17 July 2024

A Demonstration of a Paga Serve under Chloe's supervision


Tal, handsome masters, and gracious mistresses. My name, as always is Chloe, and I am the First Girl of the estate of the mighty Brinn Asssante. Please allow me to introduce Nadia who kneels on the tiles before you now. 


I have been First Girl and head trainer now for a number of years and during my time I have seen a large number of slaves come and go on the estate, for my Master buys girls at random like Earth men might collect vinyl records. Obviously the estate can only support so many slaves, and so periodically (once or twice a year) there is a cull and excess girls are taken by wagon, their ankles shackled to a central bar, to be sold in the nearby markets found in the foothills of the Sardar mountains.


I confess it is always a nervous time for the girls on the estate. They dread the moment coming and seem to redouble their effort to be found pleasing. Suddenly they are all begging for extra chores and displaying themselves before the guardsmen who serve my Master, with a level of enthusiasm never before seen in such wanton sluts. 


Most girls fear the uncertainty of being sold. Of all the places where you may serve in bondage, the estate of my Master is probably one of the better choices. Girls are lucky to end up here and reluctant to leave.


The selection process to weed out excess slave stock is lengthy and, after much consultation with my Master (often, I have to say, on his great couch, being taken and put to use in the most exciting ways during our discourse) we decided on taking the opinions of the guards into consideration. Each guard gets to name three slaves that he is particularly fond of. The names are collated and the votes counted, and the high scoring girls are automatically safe from sale. 


The girls know this of course, so it’s something of an added benefit for the guards working on the estate.


Curiously my Master shows little concern as to which girls are kept. You might expect he would provide me with a list of favourites that must not be sold under any circumstances whatsoever, but no, he leaves the final choices to me. 


It is whispered in the kennel pens that my Master is unusual in that respect, and some girls dare to suggest that my Master has a Love Slave and that clouds his judgement when it comes to other sluts. Many men would bristle at the suggestion that they have fallen in love with one of their slaves, and so girls should tread carefully in even suggesting such a thing to any man, least of all my Master. 


But I think we all know which blonde haired barbarian slut is his favourite.


So I’m usually left with a short list. Obviously, all my Taharian girls are exempt, but curiously they never seem to be on the short list in the first place. The guardsmen vote for them in droves. Some names I can discard because I know they have worked hard and tried their best to be pleasing. I’m afraid I’m soft like that. They get another six months to prove themselves. But I put them on a strict warning. There are often tears, and much kissing of my feet. Candice simply rolls her eyes and tells me I’m being played, but that’s Candice for you.


And before you ask, masters and mistresses, I could in theory add Candice to the ‘sale’ list, and I don’t think she quite understands I have that power…  


Who knows, one day… *evil grin*


The final selection test sees me calling the girls in one at a time to perform a series of basic serves. I put them through slave paces and it’s a bit like a talent contest where the girls are serving to their best ability to prevent themselves from being taken to the slave market. 


One of the principle tests for a girl of course is serving paga to a man. So I thought you might like to see a very experienced girl demonstrate the high standards that I expect from any slave who might hope to remain on the Sardar estate. For your pleasure today, the lovely Nadia of the Tahari will demonstrate how a man can expect to be served by any one of my girls.


Nadia, in your own time, please. 

And there you have it, kind masters and gracious mistresses. I think Nadia deserves a sweet candy treat later on. Thank you for your time today. I wish you all well. 


  1. She does, Master, she is sooo good at this sort of thing! She needs to do more slave display sequences like this one!

  2. It is clear that you train your girls as well as you clothe them Chloe.I think an assignment to “clean the belongings” of her favorite guardsman would be a more appropriate reward for Nadia.

    For her excellent work as Nadia’s trainer Chloe also could also use a reward. Perhaps she should “clean” Geralt’s quarters as well? To show Nadia how it is done.

  3. I love the sequence of poses Chloe! Especially the one where the paga is kissed and warmed with her belly. Very provocative!
