Sunday 22 December 2019

Merry Christmas to all our lovely readers!

Just a quick reminder that with Christmas almost upon us (yikes!) this wednesday will not sadly see a new chapter of Ubara of Gor as Chloe and I will be taking our seasonal break which in my case will hopefully include some baklava!

Tomorrow morning though will see a Christmas themed bonus short story from the PoV of Marcellus/Marc Anderson - Emma's estranged father – with the narative jumping backwards and forwards from Christmas Eve 1995, when he abandoned his family on Earth, and Christmas Eve 2024 on Gor as he prepares his final expedition deep into the jungle lands, foreshadowing next years Emma of Gor book: Gods of Gor.

All that's left then is for the new first girl and the former first girl to thank you very much for sticking with us, reading our whimsical tales and letting us have all your wonderful feedback throughout 2019. We both wish you all a very Merry Christmas and look forward to entertaining you again next year.

Ta Sardar Gor, as the saying goes. :)

- Emma and Chloe x


  1. Tal,

    Same here girls. Have great break.

    But Emma you dont deserve ka la na or baklava for keeping us on pins for another week!

    Nadolig Llawen i pawb

    (Merry Christmas to all)


    Dafydd o Abertawe

  2. Tal,

    Merry Christmas to you all. Enjoy your well deserved break, Emma and Chloe.

  3. Tal All,

    On reflection I don't think kajirae get a 'day off' and I don't believe that Goreans celebrate Christmas.

    On that basis both Emma and ChloeK have neglected their natural masters and their slave girl duties since before sunrise.

    And if they have not done chores and have been stuffing baklava and drinking spiced ka-la-na they WON'T make their block measurements at the end of the festivities!

    This is getting more and more serious the more I think about it!

    I am less than pleased with the two of you!

    Thankfully Buttercup knows how to treat her Love Master today and every other day too! How blessed am I! :-)

    And she bred with me and gave me two amazing teenage sons too!

    So I have my own shield wall in the making!

    Bryn (Welsh spelling) your heart out good boy!

    Dafydd o Abertawe

  4. But we haven't been neglecting our duties master. Ghraybeh and baklava doen't make themselves, not does strong taharian black wine of arak pour themselves :)

  5. Tal Chloek

    Graybeh and baklava and spiced ka-la-na and goodness knows what else!

    Someone won't make her block measurements on 31st December 2019 at 11:50pm Quebec time!

    Treadmill for you in January I suspect!

    Missed the gym myself this morning 'Man Flu' but did train 23rd and 24th Dec and hopefully tomorrow, Sunday, Monday. (2 out of these for certain!)

    Dafydd o Abertawe
