Thursday 11 March 2021

Emma and Chloe model their new wardrobes for Gods of Gor!


Tal, kind masters and ever so gentle mistresses. I’ve brought Emma, the blonde barbarian herself, along today to help me model our new slave garments for the upcoming Gods of Gor book. As you can see, Master Brinn has trimmed Emma’s hair for the journey by canoe up river, through the rain forest region, in search of the Lady Beatrice. Say something Emma.


“It’s too short! He cut it too short!”


Emma seems convinced her block price has gone down now that she has a shorter mane of hair, but she’ll be a lot more comfortable in the sticky hot climate like that. My skin tone means I can cope with the heat and humidity better than she can. It’s simply practical. And it’ll grow again, Emma.


“Not quickly enough…”


So, anyway, we’re wearing today our new slave outfits. Basically, it’s a wrap around skirt – short of course – that is a single length of brightly patterned cloth wound several times around our hips and then tucked in place at the waist. Our navels must always be above the fabric, displayed, so that our slave bellies are on show. Emma begged me for the red floral motif cloth, and because I’m such a good friend to her, I let her have it. Display yourself, Emma.


Good girl. Such a pretty pose. As you can see, masters and mistresses, the tuck is on her right hip. This enables a man, standing behind her, caressing her breasts perhaps, as she leans back into his embrace, to pull the garment free with his right hand. This is counter to the usual Gorean fashion of assuming that the girl will be facing him, in which case you would expect the tuck to be on her left hip, where he can reach it with his right hand. Explain to the masters and mistresses why this is, Emma.


“Most of the day I’ll be in a canoe, Mistress, paddling, so my back will be to my master. He may wish to touch me at times and even strip me. If so, he will be reaching from behind me, so the tuck is on my right hip.”


Very good, Emma. And do you want to be touched in the canoe?


“I want to be pleasing to my master, Mistress.”


A good answer, Emma, as there are free women present. Further decoration of our bodies includes colourful wrist bangles and beaded necklaces that we picked up from traders along the river. Emma is something of a magpie when it comes to collecting beads and baubles. Isn’t that so, Emma?


“I suppose so. They’re very pretty.”


See how she smiles? See how she loves her bangles? Little things like that are seen as rewards by kajirae who measure their status in a chain coffle by the number of trinkets they are permitted to wear. A slave in the coffle will never have more trinkets than her first girl, of course. That would be presumptuous, wouldn’t it, Emma?


“Oh, yes, Mistress! That wouldn’t do at all.”


Thank you, Emma. And thank you all, kind masters and gentle mistresses. My name is, of course, Chloe, first girl of Brinn Assante, and I wish you well for your day to come. 



  1. I prefer these over the white breechcloth the Kajirae wore in Ubara of Gor. Just my personal taste.

    1. So do I, Master! I love my red floral motif design!

  2. Chloek,

    You look adorable....sorry Emma but as Butrercup says she doesnt know why she is 1st Girl as my preference was always brunettes and exotics....

  3. Tracker says: Lovely short skirts. In contrast to Emma's hair though, they could be shorter. And indeed, in the canoes, with no free women present, the skirts need not be present either

    1. I think if they were any shorter, Master, the skirts would technically be belts...
