Tuesday 6 September 2022

On the Banks of the Bighorn Part Three: by Tracker


Failed Scenarios and Going to Town


Juliette’ s Narrative. 


As we set up from the hotel on our second day of driving, there was some constraint between Patrick and me.  Things had not gone well the night before.  When he got to the hotel, I had showered while he checked in with his office.  He wanted to make sure some patent applications had been filed correctly.  He was already grumpy when he came back to the room, as a woman in his office had made some mistake or other and he had to spend a good amount of time fixing it up.  I bet it was that Jane Bennet; she is very snooty and I think he may be doing IT with her.  She looks like the type to take advantage of that to slack off.  Patrick belongs to me. and me to Patrick, and I am sure that some late night fling after work doesn’t mean a thing.

So Patrick was already grumpy when he came back and found that I had already showered.  I am sure that he wanted us to do IT in the shower but it was too late.  So I took out the Imaginative Sex book and suggested we might try out a scenario from there.  He flipped the book open and it fell open to what must have been a favourite of the previous owner: Business Man and Hooker. (Not an actual Imaginative Sex scenario).  I was to dress  slutty and then let him pick me up in the bar. I didn’t like that one at all, but I wanted to placate Patrick, so I took off my robe and put on the one cute bra I had brought with me, a bralette really, and the one good dress I had packed in case of a night out while camping.  Patrick watched me dress, which always makes me nervous, and suggested I leave the skirt of the dress partly unfastened.  I hoped the restaurant bar would be dark.


The restaurant was not dark enough.  In my long dress, unfastened up to my thigh, I looked enough like a hooker to scare me, but it pleased Patrick.  I looked like I wasn’t wearing any panties, but really I was wearing one of the thongs Patrick had snuck into my luggage.  Patrick was supposed to come into the restaurant bar ten minutes after I did, but by the time he did, I had already been propositioned, and oh so crudely by three different men.  They were all angry I turned them down and accused me of being a tease by dressing as a whore then turning prude on them.  The last one I thought was going to strike me, and the bartender called me bad for business and I don’t know would have happened if Patrick had not showed up.  Patrick is big, and he works out, and he really has a presence that calms down people, men, who are working themselves up to something, you know?  Patrick just looked at the man, and said we were leaving and the blustery man shut up and backed away.  I was crying and Patrick took me back to our room and I was sure everything had gone wrong.  I was shook up and Patrick was even grumpier than before and our whole evening was ruined.  Patrick held me for an hour while I cried and calmed down.  Then we ordered room service because I wasn’t going out again and then we did It, but It wasn’t good for either of us.  When I woke up in the morning, Patrick had left a note saying he had gone for a run and to look on the bedside table.  There was a hundred dollar bill there. I guess Patrick had left it as a joke, but I wasn’t ready to laugh about our ruined evening. I couldn’t accept the money as the scenario didn’t really go through, so I left it as a tip for the maid.


So now we are driving along into Montana and the scenery and the mountains are lovely and there is this constraint between us and I am a little bit put out because I didn’t have a morning run like Patrick did and I don’t see how this vacation can get worse, so it can really only get better.




From Smith’s Secret Diary.


So finally at the end of May, we can start the round-up.  We will be working over Memorial Day and I won’t get to go into Town to send a report. For the past three days it has stormed, with strong winds and heavy rains.  Roads have washed out, fence posts had fallen and much livestock had escaped onto the open ranch.  This has added to our work on the Lazy F, but it will green up the range, and will allow open fires both here and on the adjacent wild camping areas on the National Park lands.


In addition to the regular round-up of cows and calves, strayed livestock of all kinds will have to captured by the Riders of the Lazy F and the surrounding ranches.


Randy Schlesinger, the assistant foreman in charge of my crew, was explaining that due to escapees and the size of the ranch there was often unbranded livestock rounded up.  I interrupted, which I really know better than to do. “And then we slap one of the Lazy F brands on them, right then?"


"No", said Randy, "the custom of the range is that all the unbranded livestock, cattle, horse, sheep, or whatever, is brought to together by all the crews from the different ranches, and divided according to the number of branded stock of each ranch.  We always have the most of the branded stock, so we get the largest share."


"Mr Wilson Frick is a very honourable man with all his allied neighbours.  He fired a man who was surreptitiously branding 'found livestock'.  He said a man like that has no honour.  A man who would steal for him, is a man who would steal from him. Mr Frick is very rigid and traditional"


I agreed, "a good man to work for."




From Patrick Masters Narrative.


There was tension between us as Juliette and I drove across Montana in my green 2016 Subaru Forester.  I was pleased with the vehicle and the way it drove.  I hadn’t got it to be a city car. That Jane Bennet should get a good spanking when I get home.  I pay well, and she had repaid me with sloppy and careless work, a betrayal of my trust.


Poor Juliette; she had a shock last night.  But a girl role-playing a prostitute must expect some unpleasantness.  She had bailed from the scenario a little too early in my view. Almost a breaking of our agreement. She should stop sulking this morning; the day is beautiful, and she took the hundred I left on the dresser.  To sulk after taking the money is not in the agreement.


It felt good to send that little punk packing when he was being obnoxious.  He just backed right down. I may be a lawyer, but I keep myself in shape and took martial arts in college.  I wonder how I would respond to a real challenge, though I am unlikely to find out.


To try to return to a holiday mood, I put Ms. Bennet out of my mind, then attempted to jolly Juliette into a more positive frame of mind as well.

“I would like to buy some land out here somewhere, a fair bit of it, for climbing and  hiking, and live a more natural existence away from the city.”


Juliette smiled, “It is a wonderful dream, if only we didn’t have to work, and land is pretty expensive, the good stuff that is, with good water, good grass, good views.  I know about that, because sometimes I have that dream too.  I was looking up land prices, ranch prices and such on line, they cost the earth.  Literally, I guess, it costs the earth to buy the earth.”


We both laughed.  The mood was lighter.  “I could work remotely, and I have more money than people think, more than I let on.”  I watched her closely after this admission, but Juliette surprised me.


“I don’t think the remote working technology is there yet, maybe in ten years or so.  It is a nice dream, though Patrick.  But by the time we can move here, we will be old, I will be in my thirties and you will be more than forty.  I could still teach yoga and Pilates to the local people though.  I would need to do something and keep in shape.  It would truly be a dream to live amid all this.”


I was surprised.  Almost all women would have focused on the money, and exactly how much money, not the dream or the technology.  Either Juliette was not really greedy or she was  far too canny to show it.  Either way, one in a million.


“The technology is coming faster than you think.  5G is coming soon, and Teams technology and remote conferencing for teams. Any kind of disruption would push it into wide usage.  I know because I work the patents on these companies.”  The knowledge from working the patents was where my money came from.  I have a good reputation for protecting these patents, so I get a taste, a small taste, of what I work on.  Even a small taste of companies worth billions adds up.  It is invested in real estate, blue chip stocks, transportation.  I even own the building where my firm is situated.  My firm, and the rest of the business tenants, pay rent to a separate company of mine that owns the building.  But I keep my own counsel, too many people give away an advantage by boasting.


Juliette’s Narrative.


So Patrick had lots of money. That didn’t matter. I already knew he had enough for us to be comfortable.  I only wanted to be married to a good man, who could protect me, like he did last night.  I smiled at him; he was a good man, I was sure. I wanted to wear his ring, a round piece of metal that would symbolize so much.


A traffic sign by the side of the road read: 



15 Miles

Last Services for 125 Miles.


Patrick smiled when I pointed out the sign as we drove past at Seventy miles an hour.  “Maybe they didn’t bother to name it because it was the only town for a hundred miles.”


I had my phone out.  Apparently it was named for a Mr Town who was the first Postmaster.  “The town of Town is at the end of a railroad spur line that collects grain and cattle from the surrounding area and delivers these local goods to regional collection points.  The primary industries of the area are the raising of wheat and barley, cattle, sheep and other livestock.  The town has a deputy sheriff’s office, small slaughter house, stockyards, a saloon, small hotel and diner, a general store, and a hardware store,” I read.  “I wonder what ‘other livestock’ consists of?”


“We will stop at the Sheriff’s office to confirm that wild camping is allowed now that the drought has been broken by all this rain.  We will pick up any permits we need to camp and have a bite to eat.  I really need to pee as well.”


Patrick always wants to do everything legally; it is very important to him.  And I needed to pee as well.  We took the turnoff into Town.  We were going to go to town in Town.


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