Sunday 28 July 2019

The Slave World (11)

(11): Slave Papers

I was alone now in the tiled minimalist room to the rear of the house. Through the windows I could see the floodlit garden and two men walking through that garden in the company of what I supposed was the second free woman of the house, as I could see from her visible forehead that she wasn't black skinned. She was dressed in a similar long gown as Udumi that reached to cover her ankles, full length sleeves, gloves and in her case, a face veil. The men seemed respectful towards her as they walked.

Udumi had left some time ago, instructing me to kneel patiently in tower until a slave came to fetch me. I was feeling anxious as time passed and I had no way of telling how long it had been since I had been separated from Adam. Somewhere else in the house Adam would be sitting with the man called Andromedus drinking paga, laughing, relaxing and enjoying himself while being instructed in the ways of the Gorean man. It was hard to track the passage of time but I was beginning to feel that it had been almost two hours since we had arrived; one and a half hours of which I'd spent mostly kneeling in tower. The house was quiet with little to no sound conducting from one room to the next.

I wore a collar that was locked around my throat. Udumi told me it would be removed when I left the house.

I wore a steel anklet that would allow my master to track and monitor my movements. He could even restrict my movements. Other masters would be notified if I moved within a hundred yards of their personal space. Udumi told me this anklet would not be removed when I left the house.

The set up here was more insane than I had at first assumed. Just when I was beginning to think I’d be spending the rest of the night kneeling in this god forsaken room the door opened and another girl dressed in a snug, brief slave tunic entered. Her collar was distinct from mine in that it did not have a vertical red (or perhaps white) line in painted enamel, suggesting she did not have a personal master.

“Kay-linn?” she enquired, attempting to pronounce my name and doing so badly.

“Yes, that’s me. Kate-linn,” I corrected her.

“Lesha,” she said. I could see she held a length of chain in one of her hands which terminated with a snap clip at one end and a broad leather handle at the other.

“I… I don’t know what that…”

“Lesha!” She said again, more forcefully this time.

“I’m sorry, you’ll have to explain. I don't understand.” It was some Gorean word I assumed but if it had been mentioned in Captive of Gor I didn’t remember it.

“Lesha, kajira! Har-ta! Amabis!” She was angry now. “Lan pavi kajira. Tut drakeki amabis!” The motion she made with her hand suggested I should at least get up, so I did. Then she stood with her legs apart, wrists crossed at the small of her back and head turned to one side with her chin lifted. “Lesha!” she said, as if I was incredibly stupid. I copied her pose and this seemed to satisfy the bitch a little. I became aware of her walking round me now to where my wrists were crossed. I felt cuffs being placed on first my right wrist and then my left wrist. I felt the girl lock my wrists tightly in slave bracelets – light pretty enamelled steel restraints with no more than three small chain links between the bracelets – but strong enough to hold me securely. I then felt her clip the chain leash to my collar ring. “Tut drakeki Gorean, kajira?”

“Can you please tell me what’s going on… I don't understand anything you...” I began but was quickly silenced with a sharp tug of the leash that nearly took me off my feet and a word that I didn’t understand.

“Shasta!” She motioned with a finger to her lips. I assumed this was a Gorean word meaning silence. “Kajira Shasta!” she said. I nodded. Why wasn’t she speaking to me in English?

She paused by the doorway and pointed to me. “Kajira,” she said. I nodded. Then she pointed to herself. “Primta kajira.” She held up one finger. One. Kajira one? Number one kajira? First girl? I think she was telling me she was first girl in this house. I nodded again.

“Kajira tu avuli vas,” she said as she tugged hard at my leash and made me follow her into the hall. We passed a doorway that was open, from which I heard soft music and inside I caught a quick glimpse of men relaxing. Two of them played a chess like game with a bigger board than chess, while another drank wine and a fourth lay on a couch with a slave girl crouching by his feet, pleasuring him. It was a brief glimpse and I thought I saw the movement of lithe limbs and the fluttering of silk as a girl possibly danced there in that room in my peripheral vision before I was tugged onwards towards the spiral stair case that descended into the basement.

I was led into an adjoining room where a man waited for us. He stood by a table with various instruments and a computer as he leaned with his hands on the table and regarded some papers.

“Lo kajira Caitlin, dominus,” said the girl as she pushed me forward into the middle of the room. I stumbled and looked wildly about me. Where was Adam? I had to find Adam!

“The girl who holds your leash is Kimina,” said the man as he straightened up and regarded me. “As you have noticed she does not speak English. She has not whipped you today because you are new. You can thank her for that. When you are next here though you will be expected to have learnt some Gorean. I advise you not to disappoint Kimina in this.”

“Please...” I said, my voice quivering. “Can I speak to my Master? I need to speak to my Master.”

“No. Your master is busy and will be busy for much of the night. When he is ready for you, you will be given to him for his pleasure. Until then you too will be busy, Caitlin.” He examined some notes on his desk before addressing himself to the first girl. “Caitlin ki conpes.” The girl reacted by unlocking the slave bracelets from my wrists.

I stared at the man in fear as he walked towards me. “Please, this is a mistake... I've changed my mind...”

“Shut up, slut.” He took hold of my hair in a fierce grip and turned my head both ways to check my ears. “Not pierced.” He made a note of that after releasing me. Then he recorded my hair colour, my eye colour and my skin tone. He then took a series of comprehensive measurements of my body. First came my height and weight and then the width of my fingers, the length of my fingers, the width and length of my toes, the shape of my earlobes, the width of my heels, the distance between my nostrils, the measurements of my hips, waist and bust, my wrist size, my ankle size, my collar size.

His notation was precise and exhausting.

“Strip,” he said.

“Please, no...” I shrank back as he stared at me.

“You will be taken outside, tied to a whipping post and lashed if you do not,” he said simply. I stared at him in horror and considered running, but there were so many men in this house tonight. How could I get past them all? With trembling hands I slipped the thin shoulder straps of my chemise down past my shoulders and slid the garment down my body.

“Stand by the wall,” he said. As I did so he picked up a digital camera and began to photograph me, first from the front and then each profile, and then full figure from all angles and then various parts of my body. When he was finally satisfied he uploaded the portfolio of photographs to his computer and typed in all the details about me that he had collected. He pressed a button to upload the accumulated data and a couple of seconds later there was a pop up message on the screen to indicate the upload was complete.

Now he picked up his phone and opened it to an app. He showed me the screen. There was a GPS map displayed and on it, in this room, was a red dot. “That's you, Caitlin,” he said with a smile. He tapped the dot and suddenly the window opened to a picture of my face and an array of personal data about me. He tapped the picture several times and each time he did so the picture changed to a different one of me. Some of them were pictures of my naked body. I cried and as I did so he nodded to Kimina who moved to open the door to the hallway outside.

“Watch now, Caitlin,” he said as he tapped the phone app again. A circle appeared at the very edges of the screen and he shrank it down with a pinch of his fingers until it hovered around this room. He then tapped the room and the circle resized to fit the confines of the room exactly. He tapped again and the circle flashed red once. “Step outside of the room, Caitlin,” he said.

I looked at him, not comprehending.

“Step outside of the room, Caitlin,” he said again.

I did so, and found myself in the hallway looking back into the room. Within a second of stepping through the doorway I felt the anklet on my left leg begin to emit a regular sequenced pulse. I looked up in fear and the man simply shook his head. “Remain where you are Caitlin.” the regular pulse on my ankle continued unabated.

“What is happening?” I cried.

“Remain where you are,” he said.

I was very afraid now. The sequence of pulses from my anklet continued. After perhaps twenty five seconds they suddenly sped up in intensity and then...

I screamed. I screamed louder than I have ever screamed before. I doubled up with a nerve shredding pain that was like a dental instrument being pushed into a decayed tooth, only flaring up through the entirety of my body at once. I hurled myself back through the doorway, screaming and promptly vomited on the floor as I collapsed. But the pain had now stopped.

The man nodded and deleted the sequence on his phone app.

“You seem to be an intelligent slave,” he said. “Will I need to demonstrate this again, or do you understand how it works?'

“No! Please, no! I understand!”

“Good. My time is precious.” He waited for a while as I heaved my guts out a second time and lay there recovering my strength. He waited patiently until he thought I could stand again.

“Stand, kajira.”

I rose up, feeling stiff, my body still throbbing from whatever the anklet had done to me. He showed me the app again. Now it showed a wider view of the area of London we were in. I could see multiple red dots and a couple of white dots around the house and grounds. Further afield, maybe at the extreme range of the app, I saw a lone red dot. “A master can view the location of any slave within a hundred yards,” he said. “If one interests him...” he tapped a button on the screen and then tapped my dot. I suddenly felt a different pulse tone from the anklet that throbbed the once. “You now know a master is close to you and is approaching. You therefore have some time to ready yourself, perhaps excusing yourself from the company of friends in a fashionable cafe if you feel what is about to happen may prove embarrassing for you in front of them. It will also give you a moment or two to freshen your appearance, touch up your makeup, your lip gloss, check the state of your hair. You will wish to appear pleasing and attractive before a Gorean master.”

I gazed at him in horror again.

“Tal Kaijra,” he said.

I stared at him, not understanding what I was supposed to say. I swallowed hard. “Tal Master...”

“Good,” he smiled. He showed me the app. He had obviously swiped up to reveal a sub screen. There was an option there that he could press if he wished. It read 'was the kajira displeasing?' I stared at in horror. “Your response was pleasing,” he said as he simply swiped the screen down again and made the question disappear.


  1. Interesting. Is she going to be given slave wine? Or do they use something different here?

    Matt Harris

    1. The House of Three Moons will have slave wine available, Master. Whether it is administered to Caitlin will be down to the decision of her assumed 'master' - Adam.

  2. My my, our little kitty is already well and truly over her head, with no way to go but deeper. I hope she is smart enough to be a good girl when she next sees Adam.

    Jack of Sterling

    1. It will be an interesting reunion, that's for sure... :)

  3. Technology provides an easily administered and effective alternative to a traditional whipping...

    Mick of Milford

    1. Yes it does, Master. On Earth of course the Kurii do not have to worry about abiding by Priest King technology laws.

  4. Very inventive. Well done!
