Thursday 5 September 2019

Chloe demonstrates the iron belt

Greetings again, kind, masters and mistresses. It's Chloe, first girl on the Sardar estate of the Master Brinn, and I'm sure you recognise the precious free woman standing next to me in snugly fitting wrist bracelets.

I say precious not only because we all know that free women are inordinately precious in an abstract sense, but also because in the Lady Saffia's case she is precious as a captive in a financial sense. The reality on Gor is that a woman has a financial value as a commodity if she is captured, and whatever else we may think of the Lady Saffia and the way she squirms and cries and pouts in bondage - actions very deplorable in a free woman as the dignified and respectable ladies Donna and Catherine have explained - we probably all agree that the Lady Saffia is reasonably pretty by slave girl standards.

Oh, there she goes again, squirming. I don't think she likes being rated as only 'reasonably pretty'. I believe she once told me she is regarded as 'the flower of Telnus' and that in Cos her beauty is said to 'inspire poets and artists'. I don't know about that, but she meets the basic standards required for an outdoor auction block in the Sardar fair market.

Now, I think we're all surprised that the Lady remains white silk, despite having had her free companionship renewed twice so far. That's quite a long time to remain a virgin in Earth terms. Normally a free woman permits her free companion to make gentle and considerate love to her with the lamp lights turned down though she is expected to remain modestly clothed during the process and not exhibit any untoward signs of excitement. It is unusual in an almost three year period not to have experienced sexual congress of a gentle nature even the once with her companion, not even on the night of companionship itself.

Yes we are talking about you, Lady Saffia. I am explaining about your chastity belt. Please stop interrupting with your frantic whimpering or I'll have to pick up my switch. Ah, that's better.

I think you can all see the precautions taken bearing in mind the Lady's virginal condition. It would not do for some lusty Askari to put her to use over a pile of sail cloth. The fact is her white silk status adds to her financial value as it sparks added interest in men who naturally enjoy the thought of 'being the first'. The 'iron belt' as it is known on Gor is a simple contraption. Obviously it is not actually made of iron, but stainless steel with some padding for the intimate regions. It locks first around the waist of the white silk girl and and then the lower hinged portion goes between her thighs and locks snugly in place to the back of the waist band. While not exactly comfortable for the girl in question, it provides adequate security for the periods she is allowed out of her cage and permitted to wander about on her own. She can now be as slutty and wanton in front of men as she likes – disgusting behaviour as that is for a free woman, I agree – without any chance of her secret carnal fantasies being fulfilled.

I once again thank you all for your time and remain your obedient kajira.


  1. Tal Chloe,

    You are enjoying yourself here aren't you? We can see that in your smile, good carry on.

    If there is nothing else for Lady Saffia to do, she might be taught to cook the slaves gruel, if she messes that up, they will not beat her, unlike a Free Man if she had burnt his meat. If I purchase her, I would expect her to cook for my children and she would be beaten if that was not up to standard, so she had better learn now.

    I am still not convinced that her ransom will be paid, why bring a physician along, the Exchange House has its reputation to consider, Ubara Yishana will also want to consider her reputation, if she has told the Exchange House that her men did not violate the captive and they did will the Exchange House trust her in future? I suspect that the physician is going to say she is now red silk, whether or not she is.

    I see the Lady Saffia, as she currently is, has a good opinion of herself. "Flower of Telnus" indeed, has she been exhibiting herself in secret to men? She should have been in her robes of concealment in the presence of Free Men. How did her beauty inspire artists? How did they know that she was reasonably pretty if she was in her robes of concealment? I suspect the slut has failed to comport herself with the required dignity, has she taken money to appear naked?

    The more I hear of this woman, the more I believe that she should be a slave, and the quicker she is collared and branded the better.

    Chloe please tell her that if I purchase her and she comports herself like the slut she is in front of my children she will be severely beaten.

    Lady Donna of Dover

    1. Once again the inspirational Lady Donna cuts quickly to the heart of the matter. I hardly dare even imagine how this Cosian slut has probably been showing off at polite social occasions where men are present in order to earn this ‘flower of Telnus’ reputation. I myself would be heavily veiled and modestly robed and gloved at any such event and would be very careful not to speak to a man as anything other than a mixed social group with other women present. My reputation is important to me. Perhaps Telnus is different. - Catherine of Exeter

    2. David of Worcester05/09/2019, 11:54

      Slave girls being given the promise of treats will tell a Master anything they want to hear.

      Watch them carefully when they help you undress and then wonder whose ears they are whispering into as they look upon your uncovered body.

    3. David of Worcester has possibly hit upon one reason that Lady Saffia has become known as the "Flower of Telnus". No doubt some slut told all for a piece of baklava, could that be the barbarian now known as slave 646?

      Of course, another reason is that Free Companion when courting her paid for the poem to be written and the poet wanted to be paid.

      Lady Catherine is, of course, correct in insisting upon being decorously robed in public and being seen to uphold the standards of decency of a Free Woman.

      Lady Donna of Dover

    4. Of course mistress. Who wouldn't? She is after all very cute in her slave bracelets and gag, and with the pleading little whimpers she makes :)

  2. Tal chloe,

    Lady Saffia definitely appears more compliant now. It seems your efforts are beginning to break down her pride. Keep up the good work!

    We have some interesting speculation about Saffia being expressed. I reviewed the Ubara of Gor preview and noticed a few important facts. Lady Saffia's ransom is on the order of four million dollars in gold. I'm not sure whether someone in Matias' position would possess that amount of wealth. Perhaps Saffia is wealthy in her own right and the ransom is be paid from her resources? This reminded me of the ransom of Aphris of Turia. If Saffia falls into slavery, would not Matias gain control of all her assets in this scenario?

    Also, if the ransom is not paid during the specified amount of time, Saffia becomes the property of the Bastion and Grigor. Grigor needs to at least recover his expenses of keeping the lady. Slave gruel is cheap but it certainly isn't free.

    Donna doesn't seem to realize her pitiful offer of two copper tarsks will surely be rejected. I have outbid her with a more reasonable offer that affords Grigor the opportunity to not incur a loss on the transaction. I'm certain slave Saffi will receive fewer beatings from me than from the kind and gentle Mistress who doesn't wish to even make a reasonable offer:)

    1. She is indeed master. A couple of light touches from my switch convinced her she doesn't want to feel it again :)

  3. Tal,

    Thank you Mick for reminding us about the amount of Lady Saffia's ransom. I suspect that Matias will claim she is no longer white silk, refuse the ransom and keep Saffia's fortune in addition to his own.

    No doubt The Bastion will publicly auction the new slave Saffia off, and I might increase my bid. After all I would be stupid to initially bid a gold tarn disk on something I could pay two copper tarsks for. There is, as I said, the cost of branding, collaring and her feed in slave gruel to be considered. If I fail to secure Saffia, then there were two other Free Woman taken at the same time, whom might be a better bargain.

    Anyway so what if I give slave Saffi more beatings than you, she is a domestic animal who must be kept under strict discipline. It would be unkind to the slave to err in the direction of leniency in this matter.

    The Kind and Gentle Lady Donna of Dover

    1. Again I am in complete agreement with Lady Donna. It is a commonly held misconception that free women are excessively strict with slaves. In actual fact we are simply as strict as is necessary and it is men who are often too lenient by comparison. The noble free woman is never swayed by the devious way slaves can use their sexual charms on men, often evading or minimising the effective punishments that they deserve when a man shows weakness by falling for a slave’s beguiling ways. We watch and observe slaves with a detachment that is impossible for many men. And then we act to deliver sharp punishments that will make a slave think twice about displeasing us again. If only more men would listen to the justifiable complaints free women have regarding the behaviour of slaves. We also have a very good eye for spotting improper behaviour in free women who discredit their sex. And I’m looking at the Lady Saffia now. - Catherine of Exeter

  4. Tal Ladies Donna and Catherine,

    While we might not agree on the most effective method of breaking Saffia's will, I trust we do agree she is unquestionably a natural slave and most deserving of a collar and brand. I'm sure we are also of one mind regarding Lady Saffia's prospects of being ransomed after six weeks of captivity are looking dim indeed. A double-cross might well be in the works.

    Donna makes a good point about the availability of the former free women amelia and tamaya. I wouldn't buy either one sight unseen, however. I wish you well on finding a suitable domestic slave, preferably just not saffi. Personally, I wouldn't mind catching up with the treacherous Aveena, who most likely is no longer free. I can assure you she would not have an easy time of it with me.

    Lastly, I believe I have fairly supported you regarding the misbehaviour of Brinn's former first girl. She has a tendency to be rather underhanded and overly cocky for sure.

  5. Tal Lady Catherine and Mick,

    Yes, Brinn's former first girl does have a tendency to get overtly cocky, there have been numerous occasions over the last few months that I have had to tell the current First Girls, Naomi and Chloe to get a grip on her.

    Lady Catherine is right in stating that Free Women are far better at discipling slave girls, as we can see through their little tricks. I do believe that Mick has supported us in disciplining slave 646, but think that the imposition of strict discipline will have a more salutary effect if we continue it for some time.

    As Mick says it is evident from Saffia's behaviour that she wishes to be enslaved. I would not buy a slave unseen, but fail to see why I should pay over the odds for one. As I said before I need a nursemaid for my children, and want a Gorean female to help bring them up. It would, of course, be useful if she was literate and could teach them to read and write, rather than having to employ a Free Woman.

    Who is Aveena? slave 646 did say that she would produce a character list at some stage, it would be most useful.

    Lady Donna of Dover

    1. Oh drat! Typo. In Chapter 15 of Kiera of Gor, Ameena was the bitch in the red robes who betrayed and captured Lady Marissa and ordered her guards to kill Brinn.

  6. Tal Mick,

    Does prove the need for slave 646, former First Girl of Brinn of the Sardar to produce a character list, although she is no doubt busy pleasing her new master

    Lady Donna of Dover
