Saturday 8 October 2022

New Feminism poster propaganda by the Frick Foundation for Responsible Feminism

By 2026 the New Feminism movement isn’t just sweeping across the United States of America; in many states it is now entrenched and establishing a moral framework  for women to embrace their natural gender roles and achieve the happiness that a more liberal and degenerate society once denied them. Here then are a number of recent promotional campaigns run by the Frick Foundation for Responsible Feminism (in memory of, and founded by, the late, great, Willard Frick).    



Good Girls DON’T put out, at least not before marriage. Be proud, be pure, and remember to always say NO!



We all have that friend, ladies, and sometimes she needs a stern talking to, for the way she has been letting herself go. It is all right to take her aside and speak some harsh truths if you witness her lapse in morals. After all, a stitch in time saves nine, as Granny would say.



He’s been working hard all day, and now he comes home to a supermarket pre-prepared dinner? How could you! What were you thinking? What could possibly be more important than providing your man with a satisfying and wholesome home cooked meal this evening? Don’t be that foolish wife. 



Ladies! Domestic bliss never used to be easy, but now with New Feminism you can at last embrace your natural femininity and live a rewarding life in support of your man. Household chores and gentle submission will make you a better woman and win you the life-long respect of your wonderful man.   



Let New Feminism liberate the girl you have always dreamed you might be! Giddy times are here again!



All the handsome young boys go wild about a New Feminism girl! Turn their heads, the chaste New Feminism way!



The terrible truth about Wyld Wymen! They are sex mad fiends, with twisted libidos, cruel sapphic lusts, and often riddled with disease. Be Pure, Be Chaste, Be Vigilant!



Good girls know what’s best for them. Good girls attend the Frick Corrective Academy for Gentle Young Ladies. If you have a headstrong daughter, aged 13 to 16, with some silly ideas above her station in life, don’t delay, send for our 2026 prospectus today and steer her on the right path to a life of happiness and propriety. 24/7 Boarding schools available in Pittsburgh, Boston, New York and Tulsa.   



1 comment:

  1. Emma, you must have had a great deal of fun putting this together!
