Monday 17 October 2022

Chloe introduces the new slave girl, Kelsee (formerly Miss Chelsea Savannah Frick)


Well, kind masters and gentle mistresses, it’s been a while, but we do have some new girls to show off to you. Cassie is being dressed in one of the side rooms as we speak, and will be stepping out shortly, but in the meantime I thought I’d introduce you to the lovely Kelsee. Now Kelsee is rather new to her slavery, and…


“This is a mistake! I’m not a slave! What are you doing! This is a slave display! I told you I’m not a slave!”


Ah, here she comes now. Accompanied by one of the master’s guardsmen. I do apologise for her outburst, kind masters and gentle mistresses. We don’t ordinarily suffer from tantrums like this.


“I said I’m not a slave! I’m not! Ohhhh!”


Well, hello Kelsee, so glad you can join us on the slave platform. Be careful, you almost fell when you were pushed up the steps by that guradsman. 


“Please… no… there are men here, and Free Women…”


Stand up straight, Kelsee, hands behind your head, feet apart, belly in, breasts out, and smile. The masters don’t want to see a miserable, frowning, slave girl, do they?


“You can’t do this!”


I have a whip, Kelsee. Ah, that’s so much better. Good girl. It’s interesting how quickly a new girl changes her tune when she sees the whip in my hand, kind masters and gentle mistresses. Have you felt the whip before, Kelsee?




But you’ve seen girls whipped, yes? And you consequently fear it because you’re an intelligent girl who understands what the lash might do to you?”




That’s yes, Mistress, Kelsee.


“Yes, Mistress. But I’m not a slave! I haven’t been branded!”


You wear a collar, Kelsee. Slaves don’t have to be branded. They simply ned to be enslaved, and to have a visible sign of bondage on their bodies at all times. That’s a collar.


“I haven’t been enslaved!”


Well, that’s an interesting point, isn’t it. Because the House of Diamandis has slave papers on you. 


“What? No. They can’t have. That’s impossible!”


Impossible, Kelsee? Hardly. I have copies here in my hand. Legal slave papers on you from the House of Diamandis. Such things are routinely drawn up for any girl transported from Earth in a slave cylinder. Have you been illegally posing as a Free Woman all this time? Tch.


“You’re lying! You must be lying! They can’t have done that! Not to me!”


Take a look if you like. But you will read them on your knees, in Tower, as there are Free Women present, as well as our kind masters. 


Oh, look, Masters, little Kelsee is crying as she reads her slave papers on her knees. It seems they really were drawn up for her when she arrived, carried as freight cargo from the landing site to Argentum, by tarn. What did she expect? She was a naked girl, anklet bound, shipped to Gor in a slave coffle. Of course papers would be drawn up by the slavers, and the measurements of her body would be taken and officially recorded. This would have been before they discovered who she was of course, and the circumstances of her passage. But still, the papers once drawn up are never discarded. Goreans can be very bureaucratic about such things.


“These don’t mean anything!”


Remain kneeling, Kelsee. I have a whip, remember. And I think the kind masters and gentle mistresses will agree they do mean something. I think they will view you now in terms of enslaved bondage. 


“No, please. It’s just a collar.”


A collar is never just a collar, Kelsee. Now stand and display yourself properly, girl. The masters in particular will want to assess our latest acquisition. And remember to smile. The masters don’t want to see a miserable slave girl. 


There, I think we can all agree she can definitely be classed as collar meat. Thank you for your time, once again, kind masters and gentle free women. I am, as always, Chloe, first girl of the mighty Brinn of the Sardar. I wish you all well. 


  1. Tal Chloe,

    As ever superbly efficient with the new girl who in time will learn to love her collar.

    A few piercings plus a brand will do Kelsee the counter-World of good.

    Lovely artwork as deserve a few candies for a pan of last night's leftover(?) ka la na.


  2. Very nice, she makes a lovely slave girl

  3. I think Kelsee secretly desired to be turned into a slavegirl on Gor. I think her story about becoming a free business woman on Gor was all a cock - no pun - and bull story. Her submissive desires were incredibly strong and haunted her nights for years but she was unable to reconcile it with her rich bitch of the school public persona.


  5. What a wonderful surprise! Even though "Outcast" belongs to the group of stories not illustrated by Chloe, here we are treated to Chloe's rendering of Kelsee's appearance. And what great renderings they are! Thanks, Chloe, for your contribution to this story.


  6. Chloe has rendered Kelsee, once Chelsea, in a beautiful fashion. A wonderful surprise.
