Tuesday 20 August 2019

Caitlin in the House of Three Moons

Despite her well earned summer break riding wild polar bears across Canada, Chloe couldn't resist trying her hand at an illustration for the current Slave World novel. She's called it an imaginary scene of Caitlin being auctioned, but I think it works very well as a scene from her overnight visit to the House of Three Moons many chapters ago. One of the Kur slavers puts her through her slave paces before an appreciative audience.

This by the way is Chloe's model for Caitlin and so you'll be seeing her in other pictures to come hopefully.


  1. I did not think that there was such a thing as a tame polar bear

    Donna of Dover

    1. I'm sure there must be a Disney film somewhere, mistress, with a tame polar bear... ;)

    2. Not to mention that we don't get too many polar bears in Quebec. (Not many mounties either "pout")

  2. David of Worcester20/08/2019, 19:02

    Tal Emma,

    It could be a snapshot of when she had to dance for Adam and Andromedus.

    1. She was wearing a collar in that.

      Matt Harris

  3. Mick of Milford20/08/2019, 19:16


    Yes, this man would work very well as Andromedus. Caitlin's facial expression looks just right under the circumstances. I really like the clever high tech element, having them appear on the big screen TV or monitor.

  4. I'm delighted to see that Chloe is taking on the challenge of illustrating Caitlin's journey, and I think that she's done a great job of showing Caitlin's misery at being forced to dance naked before men. I note that she has not been collared or branded at this point in the story.

    Perhaps Emma could explain what it's like to be put through slave paces with your wrists manacled together. It would seem that the manacles would prevent some of the poses from being correctly executed.


    1. That is correct, Master. Many of the dance movements I learnt in the slave pens of Banu Hashim would be impossible to perform correctly with my wrists manacled like that, though I was taught various chain dances in which I would wear long looping chains similar to the top half of a sirik chain, which combined bondage with freedom of movement. Bear in mind that Chloe's actual picture was supposed to be an imaginary slave auction of Caitlin, so in such a case she might well have her wrists manacled. It's just me re-magining the picture as a scene from the Three Moons house.

    2. Not forgetting slave paces when well taught and performed can form the basis of slave dance. It's the transitions that are important and some can be impossible when back braceleted.
      I have contemplated doing a slave paces animation but my animation skills aren't high and animation is a lot of work,

    3. Mick of Milford22/08/2019, 18:42

      Tal Chloe,

      I have watched a few Gorean slave dance animations on You Tube. They looked decent, but it seems the process has a way to go yet to achieve true realism. I did notice the transitions were an area needing improvement.

      Having worked in the computer field in the past, I can appreciate how much time and effort is involved in such projects.

  5. Greetings master. I did a kajira dance animation when Emma was publishing Panther Girl, it wasn't long (about 90 seconds) but had music. Since you need to render 30 frames per second of animation, that's a lot of renders, and even more work to set up even the key frames :)
    Emma might know where on youtube I but it; i've stupidly lost the link.
