Monday 5 August 2019

The Slave World (19)

(19): Home run

And so I threw myself back into my work, heart, body and soul. I had a client after all.

I worked all day and all of the night, as the Kinks would say, working from home mostly because I felt safer there. Ridiculous as it might seem I assumed my council run tower block was not the sort of place where Gorean Masters might loiter. Frankly the neighbourhood rats probably gave it a wide berth too.

I worked from my laptop doing the sort of research that is simply long hard work. I’m good at that kind of thing, and given a few pieces of information I know how to compile a substantial dossier on anyone. I even have shady internet contacts who can run down and access things like police files for the right price.

Does that surprise you? It shouldn't. A police database is only as secure as the number of people who have access to it. You only have to have one person who desperately needs cash, to buy access to a person’s file. My anonymous internet contact had links to someone with police database access amongst other things.

But in the end my breakthrough came ironically because I’m useless when it comes to housecleaning. I have books that haven’t been dusted since I bought them seven years ago. Washing up is something I do as and when I need to drink out of a mug.

And that was my big breakthrough on this case. I just needed outside confirmation which came through at four in the morning.

I had been up all night in my bed room lying on the unmade bed wearing just a t-shirt top and knickers. I lay on my belly, ankles raised and crossed in the air as I read the file pages I had downloaded from a cloud folder that would be deleted as soon as I had finished. The file had cost me three hundred pounds but it was worth every penny. I gazed at it as I poured some more vodka into a glass tumbler. A bowl of black sea salt kettle crisps was close at hand along with some dips that had left yellow stains on my less than pristine sheets. I wore a pair of Bluetooth headphones and was listening to late fifties jazz from Apple music as I typed and read what ‘Arcadia23’ had sent me.

Well hello, I said as I gazed at the photographs. There were quite a few photos actually, and each one as interesting as the last. I think you have quite the story to tell, don't you, I said as I transferred the files to a memory stick.

The work felt therapeutic as I immersed myself in the twilight world of flickering computer screens and long hours spent dredging up file records. The picture I had pieced together didn’t so much as provide me with answers as create more questions, but by the end of my marathon all night stint I had the comfortable sense of satisfaction that I was getting somewhere at last. Where that somewhere might lead me was another matter.

It was five in the morning and London was still fast asleep for the most part. Kassa had yet to return from her night shift. She alternated between making cycle deliveries and working in a local Amazon distribution centre warehouse, picking out orders, boxing them and passing them on to be despatched. She worked to a strict quota and often came home drained and exhausted.

I made myself a coffee and gazed out at the sunrise through my living room window. Hello London, I thought to myself. What secrets do you have for me today?

I switched on the TV which as always defaulted to channel 80: BBC News 24. I settled down and watched a studio of guests discussing the rise and rise again of the repressive and so-called 'progressive' back to basics movement in the USA. A feminist professor with a literary degree described how women in Chicago were being told by police officers that they shouldn’t be walking the streets unaccompanied by a man after sunset. There were actual reports of women being picked up by passing patrol cars and driven back home whether they liked it or not. It was scary, but at least it could never happen over here in the UK.

But I had also made a chilling discovery. I don’t know what possessed me to look up the name, but while I was waiting for ‘Arcadia23’ to come back with the information I had paid for, I searched the net for the name ‘Eleanor Brinton’ – the protagonist in Captive of Gor. What I found sent a shiver down my spine, for there had been an Eleanor Brinton living in New York who went missing in 1971. I stared at old newspaper reports from the time stating that her crashed car had been found abandoned in the countryside. It wasn't a major news story – people went missing all the time and in America it’s not even a big news story if you get shot in the street, but in her case she was wealthy and so some effort was made to locate her.

She was never found.

The details I read after some digging seemed to match the fictional account in the Norman book. Of course Norman might simply have remembered the news story and in a meta-textual kind of way used that disappearance as the basis for his novel. I could not just assume that there was any actual Gorean connection to the real life Brinton mystery. It was more likely that Norman had just used the particulars of a routine disappearance. But still, coincidences abound and we make connections through deduction and reason. I brought up some photos of Miss Brinton and saw she was very beautiful. The slavers of Gor would have liked her.

I was digging my own rabbit holes at this point, for it would be crazy to think that this Gor cult went back as far as the early seventies. The books weren’t as well known back then for the simple reason they'd only been published since 1966. Maybe now they might inspire a sinister movement, but surely not back then.

Miss Brinton’s parents were long since dead and she had no known siblings so I was unable to get any first hand accounts relating to her case. The police officer in New York who had investigated the case at the time retired eventually to Florida and died in 2006. All trails would now be cold.

I gazed at the grainy newsprint photo of Miss Brinton’s crashed Maserati.

Just like in the book.

Where are you, Eleanor? I wondered to myself. You’re certainly not on a primitive planet circling the far side of the sun.

What tales you might tell me if we could but speak.

Were you someone’s slave now? You’d be old. You were, what, twenty three at the time of your disappearance? So, in your late seventies now. No longer the golden haired beauty I suppose. Or were you simply killed and your body lies rotting in some quiet pine forest?

Or were you even now the love slave of Rask of Treve, your beauty preserved by the stabilisation serum you received in the book? Do you sometimes stand on the walls of the mountain fortress of Treve, content in your slave collar and stare at the sun with memories of your home world?

Of course not. Gor doesn't exist. It's just a story.

I had made one other discovery which again could just be John Norman inserting people he had known into his books. Although I hadn’t read them, the early books made a point of claiming to be delivered to a man called Harrison Smith who in turn claimed to be a contemporary of Tarl Cabot. Although long since dropped as a running theme by the time of the seventh book (the one I had read) the early novels pretended to be papers written by Tarl and handed to his friend. This Harrison Smith was said to have studied law and moved to Manhattan where he then had a practice. Armed with this information I was able to discover that there was indeed a lawyer by that name practising in the area in the early seventies. Again it didn’t mean anything. Norman might have known the man and decided to write him into the stories as the friend of his fictional protagonist, or maybe Norman had just by coincidence used a name that existed without his knowledge. Smith after all is hardly an uncommon surname.

By digging a bit further I found that Harrison Smith now lived in Boston. Out of curiosity I sent him an email and asked him whether he still heard from Tarl Cabot. It was a cheeky one liner of an e-mail and I didn't expect a reply, but a few hours later I actually received one.

'I used to get asked that a lot,' read the e-mail. 'For the record Tarl Cabot is a real person and he was my friend, but no, it has been many years since I last heard from him. While I cannot vouch for his activities today, his adventures in the early seventies were all too real. I have seen proof to that effect. I wish you well, young Lady, but suggest you do not enquire too deeply on matters relating to Gor.'

This Harrison Smith had a sense of humour it seemed.

I delved into a number of hardline conspiracy websites and found sub forums and ‘deep’ sites that discussed theories that there is a planet Gor. I read multiple accounts from people who swore blind they had run into evidence that slavers from this distant planet walked the Earth and routinely abducted women. Some of the accounts claimed to be from reliable police sources who bore witness to the investigations being hushed up and shut down prematurely. Others claimed to be relatives or friends of women who had gone missing. One actually claimed to be a man who had worked with the Gorean slavers. He gave some vague details and then never posted again. I was about to dismiss all of this as a complete waste of my time, but then in one post dated two months ago I saw a reference to ‘carousel.’ I grew interested and read further.

‘Carousel is at the heart of the operation,’ wrote the cryptic typist, ‘a_sardar_girl.’ ‘Carousel is the source of THEIR power. It is how THEY control the very highest level of people in government, law enforcement and the military. The man who has Carousel can name his price on Earth.’


I could see no way of contacting 'a_sardar_girl'.

I drank my body weight in strong black coffee and fired off a text message to Rebecca. It was time to meet and run through what I had discovered. I would show her what I had found and take it from there.

‘Can we meet when you have a day free? I can come round to your place. I have a dossier for you. We need to discuss it.’

Kassa came in with the usual bumping and smacking of her bicycle against the badly scuffed hallway walls. I heard her propping the bike up and unfastening her cycle helmet as I stirred some bacon and tomatoes in the frying pan. The toast popped as she came in through the hallway door.

“Bacon!” she said with a wide grin as I nodded. “You must feel better, Caitlin if you not eating dry cereal.”

She paid no attention to my ankle ring. I had fucked up a bit a couple of days ago and forgot she was around when I came out of my bedroom. She had seen the ring, commented that it looked pretty, but other than that hadn't been particularly bothered. Consequently I no longer tried to hide it from her. I suppose she assumed it was some kinky body jewellery.

“Yes, things are looking a bit better I guess.” I put some bacon and fried tomatoes between two slices of toast and handed it to Kassa. “Thanks for putting up with me while I was on a downward spiral.”

“Is nothing. You can thank me by reducing rent,” she said as she bit into the toasted breakfast sandwich. “I knew good sex would make you happy.”

“Sex?” I blinked. “What sex?”

“Sex with shitty ex-boyfriend,” she said as she sat down on the sofa. “That is why you happy again?”

“First up, he’s not my ex-boyfriend, and secondly I’ve never had sex with him.”

“Oh. He want to. Trust me. I see.”

“Really? Really?” I moved over to perch on the edge of the sofa. “You think so, Kassa?”

“Oh yes. He so much want you. He practically dribble semen on carpet. You do better though than him.”

“Well, I’m probably not even interested really.”

Kassa raised a sceptical eyebrow as I said that. “So, will you now leave flat from time to time? You always here. Always. I have no privacy when I bring men back for fucking. It like in Poland when live with my mother.”

“I guess.” It was about time I did. I had to get over this phobia that I would be abducted off the street and taken to the House of Three Moons. I needed to reassert myself and stop living in fear. I was restricted after all. Adam had shown me the app. I was level one restricted, which meant no Gorean would touch me. Apparently it was an honour thing. Adam had reassured me on that point. Goreans were very big on honour.

Not that there was any such thing as a genuine Gorean of course. Just men who liked to model themselves and their life on the books.

“If you go out we could do with shopping,” said Kassa forcefully as she finished off the breakfast toastie. “You ate most of food last week. Some of it mine.”

“I’ll restock at the supermarket.” Yeah, I would go out. I wouldn’t live my life in fear. After all I was probably safer than the average woman in London because I was already claimed and owned. Kassa stood more chance of being abducted than I did. She didn’t have a master.

My phone pinged to announce the arrival of a text message. It was from Adam! I hopped onto the sofa properly and read it.

'Just checking up on my kajira,' wrote Adam.

'Your kajira is fine,” I texted back with a smile on my face as Kassa moved around in the kitchen unit.

'Bracelet check,' came the next text with a smiley face attached. I thought about this for a moment and then acting perhaps a bit rashly took a quick photo of my extended ankle with the steel locked around it. Before I could come to my senses I sent the photo.

I regretted doing that almost as soon as I pressed the send button. What would he think? Oh shit. I shouldn't have sent that!

A minute or so ticked by before Adam's reply came back: 'Your ankle ring seems securely locked on you. Good. Didn't think you'd actually go with that, but glad you did.' There was another smiley face attached.

In a fit of insanity I typed back 'perhaps I wanted to be pleasing?' I winced as I saw the text disappear into the ether. No! I shouldn't have sent that one either...

I counted my heartbeats until there was another ping and another reply. “Well, that's music to my ears. Let's take this a step further shall we. Set a regular alarm on your phone for every three hours and when the alarm goes off I want my kajira to text me a picture of herself, wherever she happens to be.'

“Caitlin, can I have one of your yoghurts?” called Kassa from the kitchen.

“Yeah, sure, whatever.” I tapped out another text message: 'maybe I don't want to do that?'

This was actually quite exciting. I pulled my feet up onto the sofa and stroked the metal ankle ring locked on my body. I was enjoying the feeling of flirting with Adam like this. It was more than a little bit thrilling.

There was another ping from my phone and I quickly scanned the message. 'I think you forget you wear my ankle ring. Text photos every three hours or I set the ankle ring to lock you into your bedroom at seven in the evening for the next seven days.'

“Caitlin, do you want to keep the blueberry yoghurt or the strawberry yoghurt?” called Kassa from the kitchen.

“I don't care.” Fuck the yoghurts.

“Because I prefer the blueberry...”

“Honestly don't care, Kassa! Whatever you want help yourself!” I yelled as my fingers typed out another text to Adam that read, 'you wouldn't actually do that...'

His reply pinged back really quickly. It read: 'setting your bedtime limits now, bedtime girl. Unless...'

“Caitlin, I think the strawberry yoghurt is past its sell by date, so...”

“Kassa, not now! Have the fucking yoghurt!” I was feeling rather excited as I quickly typed back: 'okay, pictures of your kajira every three hours!' I nibbled my lower lip as I sent that.

“That a text to shitty ex-boyfriend?” asked Kassa as she returned to the living room with the blueberry yoghurt.

“Um, it’s a text to Adam.”

“So, shitty ex-boyfriend who wear cheap denim. You so want him for sex,” said Kassa as she peeled back the lid of the yoghurt. “You such bad girl.”

“We’re just friends. It’s complicated.”

There was another ping and another text from Adam. 'Good. I look forward to seeing a picture of my beautiful kajira in three hours' time.'

“Is only complicated when you not having enough sex.” said Kassa. “Bring him here and fuck him,” she said as she entered her room and closed the door.

I smiled, thinking of what it might be like to lure Adam into my bedroom. But then a stray thought crossed my mind – I didn’t want to do the luring. I wanted him to take control. No, banish that thought. That’s not me!

Why the fuck was I thinking these things?!


  1. Love that Cat dug up info on Eleanor and even got an enigmatic reply from Harrison Smith :)

    1. chloek, I really enjoy your art for the chapter headings and the book covers. The book covers are of very good quality indeed.

      When I was looking at the past blog posts I saw some discussion of the Quarry of Gor title as perhaps the first Gor cover ever. In my view, there is no perhaps about it. This reminded me of a website that contains all the Gor covers until 2013.

      A man named Simon van Meygaarden, now sadly deceased, I believe, put together an archive of every Gor Book cover he could get his hands on. This means every book, every edition (even bootlegs), every language. He sorted by artist, by book, by language. It might be of interest to a Gorean Artist.

      Best regards.
      Northern Tracker.

    2. Thank you master, it's always nice to get compliments :)
      Sadly, I haven't had any spare time to work on Slave World but that should change next month.
      I think we all agree the cover of quarry was pretty bad. I always liked the Chris Achelos covers, especially Slavegirl. (So does Emma so I got to reimagine it as the trilogy cover for the first three books)
      I'll see if a can find that site; Thank you master.

    3. Love the covers by Chris Achilleos too, but the one which made me become interested into Gor when I was 16 years old were the artworks by Boris Vallejo for Tarnsman and Assassin. Here you find the site the master mentioned:

    4. Thank you uhuru. I had meant to include the link, but obviously failed.

      Northern Tracker

    5. It is an interesting site, especially as it shows some illustrations from early editions which I had never seen before. And there are a few pictures from sadly failed comic book project, which I think would have been amazing judging the surviving samples.

    6. The Achilleos covers are my favourites, though the Boris ones come a close second. I actually met Chris Achilleos in 2002 and have a signed print of one of his paintings on my wall. Sadly the choice didn't include the Gor covers because I think he doesn't own the originals any more, but I chose one of the Raven book covers which are almost as good.

      I took a look at the book cover gallery. I suspect many of the Boris covers on the foreign editions weren't actually painted specifically for Gor (there are all manner of classical monsters - I'm sure harpies and minotaurs don't exist on Gor... - and amazon warrior women on them) but the ones done for the American editions of the first seven books were. Despite being a Brit I do have a complete run of the original 25 American editions in the Boris Ballentine and then later DAW editions. Many of them appear to be unread and I don't dare open them for fear the spine glue may have decayed by now. American mass market paperbacks always used cheap glue as I recall.

      Most of that comic art is new to me. It's a real shame the project fell through.

      Keep cheering Chloe on to do art for Slave World when she has the time. It'll give you an excuse to re-read the whole story once she does. :)

    7. As I recall, the comic was from an aborted attempt at doing Kajira of Gor. I came across it in the early 2000's I think.
      Thank you uhuru for the link.

    8. Dancer of Gor actually, not Kajira. I do remember the planned comic book that was going to be published. It fell foul of distributors refusing to handle it because of the sexual content. And yes, I think this was the early 2000s from (vague) memory. Some of those pages were on the Internet as teaser material. It was close to the time that Witness of Gor came out.

      There is still very vocal opposition to the Gor books being published from certain quarters. I recall James Desborough ran into a hail of criticism from the RPG community when he announced the Tales of Gor RPG a few years ago.

    9. Tal Emma,

      Good catch, recognising the comic strip panels as being from Dancer of Gor. Noticing the Librarian's nameplate of Doreen Williamson was the final confirmation for me :)

      Mick of Milford

    10. Chipping in months too late, I agree the graphic novel samples look great. What we got shown was not all the art that got made; I've still never gotten a good answer about what happened to all that art.

      They also had a draft of a Gor RPG made up for the D20 system, never released but supposedly at least partially playable. Emma no doubt would have enjoyed reading it. That vanished as well.

      I was not surprised when Vision Entertainment imploded. Disappointed but not surprised. Not only had I heard about their distribution problems but an artist tipped me off that some of the people involved had a history of not managing money well.

      Technically speaking Vision Entertainment still owes me a T-shirt. *grin*

  2. Interesting things about the developing relationship between Adam and Cat, Master and Slave.
    • In his first message, as is usual with him now, he addressed her as Kajira, as his Kajira. He would know that it is a deadly insult to address a Free Woman as a slave, and that Cat hated her time in the House of the Three Moons. He does not think of her as free any longer. He has no intention of freeing her; no intention of removing the slave ring.
    • Cat accepts that Adam calls her Kajira, and even answers to that name, referring to herself as Kajira.
    • When Adam demanded a bracelet check, Cat instinctively sent a picture of her bare leg with the ankle ring.
    • Adam is demanding more control over Cat and her life, and she is responding. He does not need her to check in, he can check her on the app any time he wants.
    • Cat wants to be taken by Adam; not to seduce him.
    Conclusion, they are moving into a Master Slave relationship with Adam manipulating Cat into accepting her slave status. Her slave fires are being slowly lit.
    A couple of episodes back, when Adam said he “couldn’t believe his luck” when Cat brought him the Gorean investigation, did that mean he saw himself enslaving her? After all, Gorean men use credulous women as agents all the time, knowing the ultimate fate of their pawns.

    Nice callback to Captive of Gor, perhaps Cat will encounter Rask or Eleanor? And Cat doesn’t seem suspicious of Adam, even though he lied to her. Mark may be an agent of the Priest Kings and respect Cat as a free woman, but Adam is playing a double game here, maybe a double agent.

    Northern Tracker

    Addendum. I hope all who read this blog realize the quality of the writing here. The descriptive passages, the character development, and the plotting are all top notch and exceed that of many (most?) published books. NT
    chloek's art is very good too.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. So much agree. The writing, the storytelling, the story itself, all is such imaginative and of high quality it makes me excitedly wait for the next chapter to see how all will go on and how the end will be. And nothing is so obvious that it couldn't take a sudden, unexpected turn. It could happen that Cat will be kissing Adam's feet and live with him happily ever after, or that she is taken to Gor never seeing him again, or it could end by her putting a bullet between Adam's eyes as she discovers that he is part of the House of the Three Moons, everything is possible.

    3. Thank you so much, master and chain-sis for your continued support and praise. I'm probably unique amongst fanfic writers in that I plot my novels in full before I start to write them. So you can rest assured I always know the ending and all the main set pieces as I put the chapters together. This means that when I scatter references and clues in various chapters, they generally mean something to the plot. To give you an example of how far ahead I plot, not only does Chloe know the full chapter and verse for the upcoming Ubara of Gor, but she also has a detailed plot breakdown from start to finish for the next book, Gods of Gor, that isn't likely to even be written until mid 2020! And I'd discussed bits of Gods of Gor with her back when I was writing Shadows of Gor!

      And yes, Master, that's a very good assessment of where Cat and Adam seem to stand at the moment with their relationship. :)

  3. Emma,

    Really enjoying the Earth/Slave World based story. Glad to see you back. Thought you'd stopped writing as we saw no stories by late 2018.
    My first Gor reads were the Jason Marshall trilogy in the early 80s.
    They still are my favourites. I even married an auburn who is like Florence who of course bought and then freed Jason only to be enslaved herself.

    David of Abertawe

    1. Hello Master, and apologies that I never did get a book out at the end of 2018 as I'd originally intended.Hopefully the three books (Kiera, Slave World and Ubara) will more than make up for it! :)

      I think i've mentioned before that Fighting Slave was one of my early favourites when I discovered Gor (I basically bought the non-Tarl slave books to begin with, which did mean I didn't really have a grasp of the bigger picture until later) and that I loved the character of Lady Florence. I really must have Emma meet her at some point in one of the novels. Well done for marrying an auburn haired girl! They are very valuable on Gor. :)

    2. Some of the delay was my fault. It took a lot longer than I expected to finish illustrating Daughter of Gor. Chloe humbly apologises

    3. Tal Chloe,

      No need for apologies on your part, as far as I am concerned. The renderings for Daughter of Gor were superb and well worth waiting for.

      Mick of Milford

    4. Chloe was very busy with Daughter of Gor - it was a LOT of pictures to design, and wholly new characters of course, as she couldn't use the existing models for the Emma stories. Mind you, the rate at which she then produced pictures for Kiera of Gor astounded me!

    5. To be honest, I astounded myself :)
      It wasn't just producing the pictures, it was making the additional clothing and texture sets. I think Marissa had something like 6 different costumes. My best I think was making a new garment plus a couple of pics in one day. We seemed to be pushing each other to maximum effort :)

    6. One of the best things about working in collaboration with Chloe is the way we inspire one another. It's a circular process where my writing inspires her to design pictures, and when I receive them that inspires me to head straight back to my computer to do some more writing so i'll see more pictures! :)

      I especially look forward to seeing Chloe's designs for new characters, which may be why I always come up with so many characters!

  4. Just some general comments:

    * I am a bit surprised that Caitlin hasn't figured out that Gor is real yet.

    * Wondering who "a_sardar _girl" is. The first thought that jumped out is Aurore, but that doesn't seem to fit the timeline.

    * Kassa gives good advice.

    * For some reason Carousel makes me think of a Stephen King type story. A haunted carousel in a broken-down Gorean-theme amusement is secretly brainwashing people into acting like Goreans.

    Matt Harris

    1. Caitlin is getting close to the truth. It's a big leap of faith after all to connect the dots and assume it's not just some cult. The chapters today and tomorrow change her outlook somewhat as you'll see. :)

      Kassa would agree with you that she gives very good advice, Master. ;)

  5. Tal,

    I must say, keeping up with the comments has definitely become one of the highlights for me.

    "The Complete John Norman" website presents material I hadn't previously seen and is really impressive. Thanks to Northern Tracker and uhuru.

    Kassa is an entertaining character who brings a bit of welcome humour to the story. I would be smiling if her part expands a bit.

    Finally, Carousel reminded me of Logan's Run, one of my favourite sci-fi films.

    Mick of Milford

    1. If you like Kassa, Master, you may well find her interaction in chapter 22 (Thursday's chapter) particularly amusing.

      And you win the prize for spotting where my use of the word 'carousel' derives from. As for what it is in the context of my novel, you'll find out tomorrow. :)

    2. Exactly what I was thinking Mick re: the C word


      David of Abertawe

    3. 'Renew' is indeed the key word association from Logan's Run (the film - the book is very different) that prompted me to use the word 'carousel'. Those of you who have seen the film will understand the association. So the clue was always kind of there, albeit very vague... ;)

    4. I saw the film and read the book, but that was a *long* time ago. I vaguely remember Jenny Agutter... No one was ever renewed, IIRC.

      Matt Harris
