Sunday 11 August 2019

Tales of Gor RPG: Lady Yasmina

So, this is something a little bit different.

You may remember me recently posting an opening chapter from a book I was planning on writing many years ago called 'Warlords of Gor'. It was shelved after I read Olga's book 'Daughter of Gor' and decided to create Emma as a protagonist instead. The rest is history of course. A lot of what I planned on doing in Warlords of Gor was recycled for the first Emma trilogy so there isn't a Warlords of Gor plot any more and if I wanted to do anything with the Yasmin character I'd have to create a whole new storyline first.

As I think you all know I like to dabble in online Gor role-play but I haven't done much of it in recent years. Yesterday I was invited by a GM (Games Master) to take part in a Tales of Gor RPG run on a web site called Tavern Keeper and I thought, yeah, I'd quite like to play a character in a game where I'm not in charge of the plot for once. So that's what I'm about to do, and since I love recycling unused concepts, I've resurrected Yasmin from 'Warlords of Gor' to be my character.

So here she is.

My only brief for the game was that I should design an agent of the Kurii as my character (so Yasmin was perfect in that respect) and that the main location would be the city of Treve (a city of tarn raiders hidden deep in the Voltai mountains).

The setting should be interesting for me because it's one of three locations on Gor that I'm not very clued up on (the other two being the Barrens and the islands of the Pani as I've not read those books). Treve apparently is detailed in book 26 Witness of Gor, which I've never read. My only knowledge of Treve is from Captive of Gor. It's the city where Eleanor Brinton ends up.

Hey, maybe my character will get to meet Eleanor Brinton. :)

So, anyway, I mention all this because the Tavern Keeper website in which the game will be run is a public site that doesn't require a log-in account to view games being run. So if you want to see what I'm like when I'm playing a Gor role-playing character but I'm not in charge of the story, now's your chance!

A few things to stress:

1) I'm not in charge of the story! So don't expect it to feel like the Emma of Gor novels because... I'm only responding to what happens. I have no idea (for once) what will happen as the game progresses.

2) Although I'm a ridiculously prolific writer, other people aren't, so don't expect the game to zip along at a fast pace necessarily. I have no idea how much time the GM plans on devoting to it.

3) Finally, it's using a tabletop RPG system (The Tales of Gor RPG) so a lot of things may be determined by the dice rolling software. Like, if Yasmin does something, it's not automatic it will work. I can't just 'write' that she succeeds. I have to press a button to generate a virtual dice roll. That of course is part of the fun of it.

The Tavern Keeper site basically works along the lines of players and GM alternating text responses to one another, plus dice rolls. It's also a resource for storing character sheets and background data and so on.

Anyway, if you want to see Yasmin's background story and game stats (the latter may not mean much if you're not familiar with tabletop role-play games, but the left hand column under my character portrait basically details what she can do, skill wise, expressed in terms of the dice roll potential. i.e. 3D6+1 means rolling three dice and adding one to the final score to generate a number which may or may not be enough to succeed in an action) you can view it here:

And you can see my opening introductory piece of writing here:


  1. Tal Emma,

    I hope this endeavour proves enjoyable and worthwhile for you. As you recall, I found the Yasmin/Yasmina character interesting, so I likely will try and check up on your progress from time to time.

    You are already a Kajira, so what is the worst that could happen? ;)

    Best Regards,
    Mick of Milford

  2. This is probably going to surprise everyone here, but I have to confess I've never actually read Tarnsman of Gor! One day perhaps...

    Captive probably gives you a good crash course on Gor, Master, as it's seen through the eyes of a character unfamiliar with the planet (I suppose the same is probably true of Tarnsman) and therefore introduces a lot of the basic stuff as if for the first time. Captive of Gor was my first ever Gor book as it happens so I have a bit of nostalgia for that one and for Elinor.

    The Tales of Gor RPG books are great reference material, but if you want to supplement them with a series of meaty articles, I can't recommend the Luther's Scrolls site enough. This is what I used to use (and still do) before the Tales of Gor source book was published. 94 lengthy and scholarly essays on just about anything you might wish to refer to in detail. Find it here:

    And the Annals of Gor resource site is good for geography, flora and fauna and so on. Find it here:

    A good source for weapons can be found here:

    And of course reading my modestly wonderful stories is always a good and cheap way of getting a fix of inspiring Gorean high adventure! :)

    Now you have no excuse not to start the role-play game. My introductory post is looking very lonely over there.

    Just saying... ;)

  3. Looks like fun. How does one join?

    1. There's probably an option on Tavern Keeper for you to e-mail the GM (Rhys). If not, let me know and I'll nudge him to take a look at this thread and post a reply.

    2. I don't know what you're looking for in the way of characters but I just discovered emma was posting again and I am delighted to see more Gorean RPGs being played.

    3. Tal, Master Wyvern. I think there's a button thingie on the game page that allows you to ask to join. Something like that anyway. :)

    4. For blog readers wondering, I did that thing and am now posting in the campaign as Apius, tarnsman of Treve. From the character page finding the other parts of the campaign should be obvious.
