Monday 19 August 2019

I'm back!

As the headline says, I'm back, and catching up with all sorts of internet stuff on my creaking and antiquated computer before I have an early night tonight. 

The next chapter of the Slave World is all set to load tomorrow morning and I'll catch up with replying to comments and posts from the weekend once I've had some rest. I don't really travel well and hate standing around at airports... ;) 

Speak to you all shortly!

- Emma x   


  1. Welcome back :)
    Hope you had a great time :)

  2. Mick of Milford19/08/2019, 22:33

    Welcome back, Emma!

  3. Welcome back!

    You were missed.

    Matt Harris

  4. Hope you enjoyed your time away

    Donna of Dover

  5. Hope you had a nice and well deserved break.

    Trying not to wish the week away now as the story moves to its climax

    David of Abertawe

  6. Welcome back, hope you had a great time.
