Monday 12 August 2019

Weekend break!

So, this is just a heads up that your favourite authoress is going to be away for a long weekend city break in sexy Europe which means no new story posts from Friday to Monday!

Oh no!

You'll see the usual daily episodes of The Slave World up to and including Thursday morning (chapter 29), but then it'll be like one of those Wild West frontier towns with rolling tumbleweeds being blown down the empty streets and some melancholy harmonica music playing softly...

Now I want you all to behave yourselves while I'm away, and no picking on Chloe (I think she may be back by then from her own long weekend break).

For those who are wondering by the way, we're in the final run of chapters for The Slave World. It's likely to be complete by chapter 33 or 34.

Which made me think the other day, I'm curious as to what your favourite locations for Gorean stories/novels might be? There are a lot of locations on Gor I've not touched upon yet, and while there's no promise I will plump for the expressed favourites, it would be interesting to know which settings you particularly like.

And while I'm on the subject, are there any particular character narrative points of view you would like to see? So far you've had Emma, Kiera and Caitlin, all of whom come from suitably different walks of life. Here's your opportunity to make suggestions for the future. :)


  1. A well deserved long weekend and I hope you have as much fun as possible. If I could choose, even the author is the captain of his ship and nobody else, I like to read more about Andromedus (what a guy, he reminds me a bit of a russian boyfriend I had some years ago), to experience earth more from his point of view. And there is Kassa, who could also have an interesting background story since she adapts so quickly the role of a mistress / free woman taking over the apartment in such a brazen, self-confident way. A romance, if possible in any way, between Andromedus and her would be intriguing. Just imagine this strong, dominant man meeting his match in her. For me I can stretch the idea in my mind of what is Gorean to a point where enslavement has not to be the inevitable result of a man and a woman falling in love, even it is the most natural outcome.

    1. Yes, chain-sis, a PoV from the view of a very strong Gorean would make for an interesting change from the usual female points of view. As regards Andromedus and Kassa - well, they do certainly seem to be initially impressed by one another as future chapters will show very soon now. Kassa is, as you say, quite a dominant woman and genuinely not very submissive (which tends to be rare in Gor stories).

  2. So the reality is that this so called break is just to create a cliff-hanger situation. With 3-5 episodes left, all we will have is a great big be continued.

    Have a good weekend.
    Regards Northern Tracker.

    1. Probably 8 episodes left, including the one I just posted, as I tend to suffer from 'book bloat' where the number of chapters I anticipate writing generally increases the closer I get to the end. Chloe must often think, "oh, so it's twenty chapters now, is it? You said eighteen last week..."

    2. Recently it's been more like 16 in the outline, 18 in the first draft and 22 in the final draft; I kinda expect it now :)

  3. David of Worcester12/08/2019, 20:47

    Personally I think I'd like to see Jacinta return to Gor, considering her mental state just before leaving Gor.

    1. I have the rough plot already laid out for another Jacinta/Rachel novella that follows on from Glad Tidings. It's in the pipleline and is set around New Year's Eve one year after the events in Glad Tidings, with the preceding period shown in flashbacks. No set time to write it just yet though.

  4. Darn it. Now I want to watch an Eastwood film. Maybe I will do that during your absence ;-)

    Matt Harris

  5. I am indeed back and ready to wield the first girl switch against any slave stepping out of line :)
    I'm going to use the time finishing off pre production of Ubara, hopefully.

    1. Welcome back Chloe!

      Mick of Milford

    2. Welcome back, Chloe. All the kajiras have been exceptionally well behaved while you've been gone. Why, you can just ask anybody! *flutters innocent lashes*

    3. "Grins and hugs Emma". Good to hear. Of course, if I get any differing reports from the men ....

  6. Enjoy your time away, Emma. I think it would be interesting to experience events from Lady Cassandra's point of view for at least a chapter in the future. Also I would like to view some of the action in Ubara of Gor through Simon's eyes.

    Mick of Milford

    1. A Cassandra story would make for a very different point of view. As would a Simon point of view. Ubara is pretty close to being complete though, so a bit late to shoehorn in a Simon PoV on that one. It does however unusually have one chapter narrated by a PoV other than Emma, though I'm going to leave exactly who that person is as a surprise. :)

    2. I wouldn't expect any last minute rewrites, more like wishful thinking aloud on my part. Perhaps a Simon point of view could be considered for more distant future events?

      Mick of Milford

  7. Tal Emma,

    Have a good weekend.

    As for different locations how about setting a story in the Piedmont-Lydius area and doing it from the POV of a Free Woman working for the Priest-Kings, running her own business there? I would not have her enslaved, most women on Gor are not slaves.

    As for Cassandra, I am assuming that you will arrive back to the Sardar and no doubt tell Brinn all that happened. Brinn may fail to be impressed with his sisters actions, so is there a family falling out?

    As for Simon, we know lust overtook him, and he now has some powerful enemies, although of course, he is currently a slave. I do not think that Brinn or Samos will ever fully trust him again even if they patch things up.

    I do wonder if the PoV in Ubara of Gor is written by your daughter Jacinta about your home coming? Although, I suspect that trying to write from the PoV of a 8 year old girl would not be easy.

    Donna of Dover

    1. Nice idea re: Jacinta, Mistress, and I can see that happening in the future when she's a bit older, but yes, writing as a seven to eight year old would make for a less than exciting reading experience... :)

  8. David of Worcester13/08/2019, 17:36

    One more request, if you'll indulge me.

    Will Emma ever find out what has happened to Bea and Alan?

    1. The principle of Chekhov's Gun applies here. :)
